Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/705

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1361. 1902. 639 from_ the sale of town lots in Oklahoma. Territory, as hereinbefore provided, and all money found to be due to said tribe on claims against the_lIn1ted States, shall be segregated and placed to the credit of the 1nd1v1dual members of said Kansas or Kaw tribe of Indians on a basis of a pro rata division among the members of said tribe, as shown by the roll of membership of said tribe, as provided, on the first da of D•¤<>* ¤i**¤¤¤· December, 1902, said credits to draw interest, as now authorizedy by i¤¢¤¤‘¤¤¢· law, at the rate of five (5) per centum per annum, and the interest that _may accrue thereon shall be paid annually to the members entitled thereto, except in cases of minors, in which cases the interest shall be paid annually to the parent until the child for whom the interest is so paid arrives at the age of twenty-one (21) years: Provided, That m- if the Commissioner of In ian Affairs becomes satisfied that the interest and payment of any minor is being misused or squandered, he may with o dthe payment of such interest. In caseof minors whose parents have died the interest shall be paid to the legal guardian, as above provided: Bwided, That the amount laced to the credit (together ’*Y¤°¤'¤— with the accrued interest) of each member of the tribe of the age of twenty-one (21) years may be paid to such member in ten (10) equal pzyments, one payment each year: Provided further, That if the m{ggl'¤¤·¥l>¤ vm retary of the nterior deems it advisable, he may pay to an ' member of said tribe, over the age of twenty-one years, the full amount of the pgéncipal and interest that may be credited to such member: Hwi further, That the sum ascertained to be due said 9¢U¤‘¢8¤¤¤¤- tribe shall be segre ted as soon as ssible after December 1, 1902: Provided further, That when the children whose shares have been ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤r¤•¤¤f pliaced to their credit shall arrive at the age of twenty-one (21) years, m` _ fore the expiration of ten (10) years rom the date of the ratification of this agreement, then the share due such member or members may be pai to them at the annual payments after they arrive at the age of (21) years in equal amounts, so that such share will be fully paid at the expiration of said ten years; and where such children arrive at the age of twenty-one (21) years at or after the expiration of said ten years, then the full amount due such member may be paid to m]fgl{:;°¤* °* mu them at the next annual payment after the arrive at the age of twenty- ` - one (21) ears: Provided further, That the Secretary of the Interior m;Qg***°'°“¤¤ P**>’· may witghold any of the payments provided for in this section if, in ` his judgment, it would be to the best interest of the member entitled to said payment to do so: Pm»uided_furt}m·, That the Secretary of the h§,*gf¤Q_{s"‘°“‘ ‘*““’~* Interior s all offer at public sale all tracts or parcels of the Kansas ` trust and diminished reserve lands, within the State of Kansas, belonging to said Kansas or Kaw tribe of Indians, for which no application has been tiled under the provisions of existing laws in relation thereto. Such lands shall be offered for sale by advertisement for not less than ”°“°° °*"** thirt * (30) days, in two newspmqpers in the progr land district, one of which shall be published in orris County, ansas, and by posting in the local land office notice for the same period, and, upon the day named in such notice, such lands shall be sold for cash to the highest bidder at not less than the price fixed by law. Sec. 9. That all funds remaining to the credit of or found to be due e,;°Ym°¤° ’° '*°'¤· from the United States to any member of said tribe, at his or her death, shall be paid to his or her heirs under the laws of the Territory or State in which such member resides at the date of his or her death. Sec. 10. The Secretary of the Interior may, in his discretion, at the B,f,’f‘“*'*°“ '*° “°“· request of any adult member of said tribe, issue a certificate to such member authorizing him to sell and conveyan y or all lands deeded him by reason of this agreement, and may pay such member at the next annual payment his or her pro rata share of the funds of said tribe, if, u n consideration and examination of the request, the said Secretary slim! and said member to be fully competent and capable of managing