Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/632

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MONEY-0ROE1x cosvmxrion-somvm. 1869 _ 2. Bach country shall communicate from time to time to the other ,,,1*;,*;,:** P**Y**bl° ln *¤· its tariff of charges (fees paid by the public), which shall be established ° under this convention, and these rates shall in all cases be payable in advance by the remitters, and shall not be repayable. 3. lt IS understood, moreover, that each country is authorized to siT°¤*,P°¤¤‘ ¤¤;{>¤¤- suspend, temporarily, the exchange of Money Orders should circum- Ono m°n°y° m stances give rise to abuses or cause detriment to the postal revenue. Aarxonn VI. Iihch country shall keep the fees paid by the public charged on all F<*=¤¤¢¤ be rmined. Money Orders issued within its jurisdiction. · Anricnn VII. The service of the Postal Money Order System between the two °“°°'°‘ °¤°*¤¤8°- countries shall be performed exclusively by the agency of offices of exchange. On the part of the United States the office of exchange shall be New York, . Y., and on the part of Bolivia, La Paz. Airrrcuz VIII. No Money Order shall be issued unless the applicant furnish the N•¤¤•¤~¤¤•¤¤¤=•= name and a dress of the person to whom the amount is to be paid, and _ his own name and address; or the name of the firm or company who are the remitters or payees, together with the addresses of each. Aurrorm IX. 1. _The particulars of all Mon? Orders drawn in the United States ¤•¤ upon Bolivia shall be entered at the Exchan Office New York, N. Y., ‘ in a list similar to the form marked "A" zi; the Appendix) in which shall be shown the amount of each order in Unite States money, which list after having received the impression of the New York dating stamp, shall be forwarded to the Exchange Post Office of Bolivia w ere it shall be. impressed with the date stamp of that omce, and where the requisite arrangement for effecting payment of the Orders shall be carried out. ' 2. In like manner the particulars of Money Orders drawn in Bolivia upon the United States shall be entered at the Exchange Office at La Paz in a list similar to the form marked “B" (in the Appendix) in which shall be shown the amount of each in the money of both countries, which list after havin received the ingpression of the dating stamp of that office, shall be érwarded to the xchangp Office at New York, N. Y., where it shall receive the impression of the dating stamp in use in that omce, and where the necessary arrangements for effecting payment of the orders shall be carried out. 3. Each list, as well as the entries in the lists dispatched shall be Tvbenumbmdnumbered consecutively 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., in the order of dispatch, commencing on July 1st of each calendar year, and the receipt of each list shall be acknowledged on either side, by means of the first subsequent list forwarded in the opposite direction. 4. Such a list shall be transmitted by each mail dispatched from ¤¤x>1i<=•w¤.¤¤·- Bolivia to the port of New York, and mae versa, and of each- list dispatched a duplicate shall be sent by the following mail. 5. Should it happen that, on the day when the list is to be dispatched, there are no orders to be certified for Epayment, the list must nevertheless be sent. But, in that event, the xchange Office will write across the list the words: "N0 Jlloney Ordera.” 6. Should any list, or the duplicate thereof. fail to be received in