Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/680

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PROTOCOL—MEX1CO. PIOUS FUND. Mar 22, 1902. 1917 Four Thousand, Seven Hundred reclamantes, dando un laudo por and 99/ 100 (904,700.99) Dollars; novecientos cuatro mil setecientos the same, as expressed in the find- noventa y nueve centavos ings of said Court, being for l$904,700.99); los cuales, como se twenty-one years’ interest of the expresa en_la exposicion de dicho _ annual amount of Forty-three tm unal, fueron el importe de Thousand and Eighty and 99/ 100 rédites vencidos en veintiun aiios (43,080.99) Dollars upon Seven a razon de cuarenta y tres mil Hundred and Ei hteen Thousand ochenta Y sos noventa y nueve and Sixteen and sd 100 (718,016.50) centavos‘($i3,080. 99) anuales sobre Dollars, said award being in Mex- la suma de setecientos diez y ocho ican gold dollars, and the said mil diez seis pesos cincuenta amount of Nine Hundred and centavos (g718,016.50) yhabian de Four Thousand, Seven Hundred pagarse en oro mexicano; y dicha and 99/ 100 (904.700.99) Dollars suma de novecientos cuatro mil having been fully paid and dis- setecientospesos noventay nueve charged in accordance with the centavos ($904,700.99) fué comterms of said convention; and pletamente mada y iiniquitada en cenformi cen los términos de dicha Convencion; y Whereas, the United States of Por cuanto los Estados Unides America on behalf of said Roman de America por los Obispos Cato- Catholic Bishops, above named, licos Romanos arriba nombrades and their successors in title and in- y sus sucesores con el mismo titulo terest, have since such award e interés han reclamado a México claimed from Mexico further in- después de dicho laudo los sucesistalments of said interest, and have vos vencimientos de dichos réditos insisted that the said claim was yhaninsistido en quela expresada conclusively established, and its reclamacion fué dednitivamente amount fixed as against Mexico juzgada y su monte Blade en conand in favor of said original claim- tra de México y a aver de los ants and their successors in title primitives reclamantes y de sus and interest under the said first sucesores con el mismo titulo e mentioned convention of 1868 by interés, conforme a la (primera force of the said award as res Convencion mencionada e 1868,

 and have further con- en virtud de dicho laudo come rea

tended that apartfrom such former judicata; y han sostenide ademas award their claim agpinst Mexico que independientemente de tal lauwas just, both of w ich roposi- e su reclamacién contra México tions are eontroverted and) denied era justa; aserciones ambas que pythe Republic of Mexico, and the han side controvertidas e impugigh Contracting Parties hereto, nadas por la Republica de México, animated by a strong desire that y las Atlas Partes signatarias de the dispute so arising may be ami- este Compromise, animadas de un cably, satisfactorily and justly set- vivo deseo de que la controversia tled, have agreed to submit said asi suscitada sea amigable, satiscontroversy to the determination facteriag justamente resuelta, han of Arbitrators, who shall, unless conveni o en someter dicha conotberwise herein expressed, becon- troversia a la decision de arbitros, trolled by the provisions of the quienes se ajustaran en todo lo que International Convention for the no se disponga de etro mode por pacific settlement of international el presente instrumento, alas preisputes, commonly known as The vencnones de la Convencion inter- HagueConvention,andwhicharbi- national para el arreglo paciiico tration Shall have power to do- de centroversias internacionales termine: comunmente denominada "‘C0n- vencien de La l·Iaya" y estaran facultados para resolver: 1. If saidclaim,asacousequence 1° Si dicha reclamacion come Sccpeowbitnriou- ' of the former decision, is within consecuencia del laudo anterior