PROCLAMATIONS. Nos. 40, 41. 2029 gegds, by the way in which we do our duty to ourselves and to our e ow men. Now, therefore, I, Trmoboarz Boosmvmrxr, President of the United b€'f';!,*'*‘f;,{- s§°;°;¤; States, do hereby designate as a day of general thank iving Thurs- as ¤ my oi navuiimx day, the twenty-seven of the coming November, and W recommend m°°k*"i"g‘ that throughout the land the people cease from their ordinary occupations, and in their several homes and laces of worship render thanks unto Almighty God for the manifold diessings of the t year. flpl wipnetsgdwértgreoftl lI;av%rer(<;unto set my hand andxbsaused the seal o e H1 tes 0 e a xe . ` Done at the City of Washington this 29th da of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine liundred and two and [sms,.] ofdthe independeréce of the United States the one hundred an wentv-seven . . Tmiovomu Boosmvmm By the Premdenthla ‘ 0rrN r , Secretary; (gf State. [No. 41.] BY trrm Pmcsmmxtr or rim Ummm) Srarss or Ammzrca. J¤¤uery11.1¤m. A PROCLALIATION. ‘ Whereas, it is provided by section one of the Act of Congress, Preambleapproved July first, nineteen hundred and two, entitled "An Act ‘m°’ p` m` Authoriziriag the President to reserve public lands and buildin in the island of orto Rico for public uses, and granting other pubh; lands .. and buildings to the government of Porto Rico, and for other purposes", “That the President be, and he is hereb , authorized to make, within one year after the approval of this Act, such reservation of public lands and buildings belongin to the United States in the island of Porto Rico, for mihta , naval,hght—house, mar·ine—hospital, post-offices, custogr-houses, Unitetd States courts, and other public purposes, as he may eem necessar ; And whereas, theypublic lands in the island of Porto Rico, within the limits hereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and it appears that the public good would be promoted by setting apart and reserving said lands as a public reservation; Now. therefore, I, Tm=·.or>oru·: Roosrcvmzr, President of the United RH_;~¤=~¤¢**¤·*’·•*¤‘• States, by virtue of the power in me vested by section one of the afore- ` said Act of Congress, do hereby make known and roclaim that there is here by reserved and set apart as a Public Forest liiaservation all those certain tracts, pieces or parcels of public lands, not heretofore appropriated or reserved,l *ing and being situate in the island of Porto ico, and within the boundhries particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the point where the parallel of eighteen (18) degrees B¤¤¤<¤¤¤e··- and twcn ty-two (22) minutes, north latitude, intersects the meridian of sixty-five (65) degrees and fifty-tive (55) minutes, west longitude; thence due east alou said parallel to its intersection with the meridian of sixty-five (65) degrees and forty-five (45) minutes, west longitude; thence due south along said meridian to its intersection with the (parallel of eighteen (18) degrees and fourteen (14) minutes, north latitu e; thence due west alon aid parallel to its intersection with the meridian of sixty-five (65) degrees and fiftydive (55) minutes, west longitude; thence due north along said meridian to its intersection with the parallel of eighteen (18) degrees and twenty-two (22) minutes, north latitude, the place of beginning.