Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/923

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836 FIBTY-EIGHTH cosemcss. sm. 111. cn. 1307. 1905.

 expenses incident thereto, two hundred thousand Prmnkled, __"

· That the number of horses urchased under this appropriation, added i to the number now on hand? shall be limited to the actual needs of the mounted service, and, unless otherwise ordered by the Secretary of War, no rt of this appropriation shall be paid out for horses not purchasedxby contract, after competition duly invited by the Quartermaster’s Department and an ins ction under the direction and authormffkffms lu °P°” ity of the Secretary of War. gllhen practicable, horses shall be pur- - ' chased in the open market aélalllmilitgrygiosts or stapipps, when needed, at a maximum rice to be e by the ecretary o ar. w:“"°°**' ****1 ¤““· Bannacxs AED ouaamnsz For barracks and quarters for troops, ` storehouses for the safe-keeping of military stores, for olhces, recruiting stations, and for the hire of buildings and grounds for summer cantonments, and for temporary buildings at frontier stations, for the construction of temporary buildings and stables, and for repairin public buildings at established posts, including the extra~duty pay off `m,.,,°¤'°, enlisted men employed on the same: Bmided That no part of the mu. ew. moneys so appropriated shall be paid for commutation of fuel or for cmu" °"'°’°°‘ quarters to ogcers or enlisted men: Provided further, That the number of and total sum paid for civilian employees in the Quartermaster’s Department, including those paid from the funds appropriated for regular supplies, incidental expenses, barracks and uarters, army transportation, clothing, camp and garrison equipagefsihall be limited to the actual requirements of the service, and that no employee paid therefrom shall receive a salary of more than one hundred and fifty dollars per month, except upon the approval of the Secretary of, War, three million four hundred and eight —eight thousand nine hundred nom, mm amy, and fifty dollars: })l’0’b‘?-d6(Z_]cL¢7'th€7', That of this sum not to exceed K““‘ six thousand dollars may be ex nded in the construction of a road on the military reservation of Fdrt Riley, Kansas, to replace a road hE¤¤b¤s§c heretofore destroyed for purpose of constructinga rifle range: Provided www ° _€;rthermTlh:§ herplafterhno military polst withiq ipe United States shall esta is wit outt e ex ress authority o on ress. P¤¤¢¤¤cb¤¤z¤¤· Mmrranr rosr mxoiuuemi) For continuing the cegnstruction, e uipment, and maintenance of suitable buildings at military posts and stations for the conduct of the (post 'exchange, school, library, reading, lunch, amusement rooms, an gfvmnasium, to be ex nded in the discretion_ and under the direction o the Secretary of W5, three hundred Prm<h¤’:¤- and thirty-three thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That not ' more tihain forty thousand dollars of the above appropriation shall be ex n e a any one post or station. ‘ gixpgincetihnn Birmaoxs AND QUARTERS, PHILIPPINE IsLANDs: Continuin the 8S'work of providing for the proper shelter and protection of oécers and enlisted men of the Army of the United States lawfully on duty lll the Philippine Islands, including the acqluisition of titleto building sites when necessary, and including also s elter for the animals an supplies, and ill métheir bgildlings qileoesssary fpr post administration purposes, two un re an t irty thousand ol ars. Trmnpcmaon. TRANSPORTATION or me Amar nn rrs surrmms: Trans rtation of the Army, including baggage of the troops when moving Either by land or water, and inc uding also the transportation of recruits and recruiting parties heretofore paid from the appropriation for *‘ ‘Expenses of recruiting;" of supplies to the militia furnished by the War Department; of the necessary aglents and employees; of clothing, cam and garrison eqmpage, an other quartermaster stores, from army dgpots or (pqaces qhpurqhasetpp dplliveu-ryo to the zlqvegal land army depots, an rom ose epo o e in ee:o orse uiments and subsistence stores from the plsdes of purchase, and frorllhd) places of delivery under contract to such places as the circumstances of the service may require them to be sent; of ordnance, ordnance stores,