Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/364

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346 SIXTIETH coneanss. Sess. I. Ch. 200. 1908. nt or appropriation and of adjusting claims for swamp liiiidg, hndjindemriilzy mr swauip lands, five hundred thousand dplkzgs, to be immediately available, of which sum two hundred an ty thousand dollgrs forhthe pgrpose of ntrpcthsigprgugic n ce ereun er so as a _ . _ . MM- (g:a$iretiledL?l`hat agents and others employed under this approprms mrmm tion shall be selected by the Secretary of the Interior, an allowed per diem, subject to such rules and regulations as he mag; prescribe, in lieu of subsistence, ata rate not exceeding three dol rs per day each and actual necessary expenses for transportation, including necessary slee in —car fares. ,,§?g‘,,,_T""' i" hm Exrnxszs (E iinanmos IN LAND murizmsi Igor expzllsea g?mh69·:‘· i held b order of the Commissioner of the enera n ce o ` dliiegrmine vihether alleged fraudulent entries are cr that character or have been made in compliance with law, and of hearings in disbarment _ proceedings, thirty-five thousand dollars. _ _ °lB‘“P’°°°“i“‘ ’“" . REPBODUCING rams or suavmrs: To enable the Commissioner of mmm" the General Land Office to continue to reproduce worn and defaced ollicial plats of surveys on iile, and other plats constituting a part l of the record; of sa(idH0iii1ce, apgdtg qmhrgsh ocal land offices with the r thousand ve un o . _ De"" ‘°”‘“' ‘° Smlllgdxiinllrxoiarroxs or tnnsmrr Lnms: The unexpended balance of the sum appropriation of one thousand dollars made by the Act of Congress approved March third, nineteen hundred and tive, to enable the bec· K¤¤¤i¤•¤¤¤ ¤* •¤· retary of the Interior to examine, during the fiscal year nineteen l°irigiii§i,p.1a¤. hundred and six, under such regulations and at such compensatwn as he may prescribe, the desert lands selected by the States under the v·>¤.¤4.v·¤—provisions of section four of the Act of Congress approved August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, IS hereby continued and made availabi for expenditure in such examinations that may be P~v¤¤¤- made during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nine: Provided, k°°°°°°` That if such examinations be made by detailed clerks or employees of the Department., they shall be entitled to actual necessary expenses of transportation, including necessary sleep;ng—car fares, and not exceeding three dollars per day in lieu of su nstence. renatmems. RESTORATION or LANDS IN Fonmsr nmsmzvms: To enable the Secremvmwng. tary of the Interior to meet the expenses of advertising the restora~ tion to the public domain of lands in forest reserves, or of lands temporarily withdrawn for forestreserve purposes, twelvethousand dollars. ,,§,f,Q,‘;_“°""' °' Taauscmrrs or nnoonns AND rmrs, (}nN1=:nAL LAND Orrrcm: For · furnishing transcripts of records and plats, t0_ be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, eighteen thousand seven g:·;***··*m,0n hundred and twenty dollars: Provided, That persons 6H]é)lOF€d under penthis appropriutior; shall bds selected by thehSecr§tarylofht lp bxéterpoa ag a com nsation o sixt ollars r mont eac an s a en 1 . e to thepsgme leave of albsience 0; lcglifeigor sicknesge with pay ps isiallovgg b law to other em oyees o the xecutive partmen s: mm "°“°"“"'°"· _ fin/a.e1·, That not nibre than one-twelfth of this appropriation shall be _ expended in any one month of the year for which it is ava1lable._ _ "f?¤Fjf,gQ;¤,({*{,‘},*{‘r';_"°’“ · rnxrxe INDIAN nssnnvyrroxs (nnmnuasanrm). The appropriation Vol- at p. M. of twentydive thousand dollars, Act of Congress appiow ed May thirty - first, nineteen hundred and six, to meet the expenses of opening to entry and settlement during the fiscal years nineteen hundred and six, nineteen hundred and seven, and nineteen hundred and eight, the ceded m};°;§*_§,;,;¥gP”P"“’ lands within Indian reservations, is hereby continued and made avail- ` able to meet the ex uses pertaining to the opening to entry and settlement of such Ineiiiin reservation lands as may be opened during the IQ;g#fg·;mmem Hscal year nineteen hundred and nine: Pwrvideal, That theexpenses m i "pertaining to the opening of each of said reservations and paid for out