Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/463

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1618 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 293-296. 1909, P°¤¤*;:- The name of William G. Glasgow, late of Company C Second Wim G`G]“g°w` Regiment Nebraska Volunteer Infantry, war with Spain, iand pay _ _ him a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month. §;{*g;‘;,“,{}’,j';f’:,§‘;, The name of Culbert King, alias Culbert Kenney, late of Captain onlbm K¤¤¤¤y- Standage's company, Nauvoo Legion, Utah Volunteers, Utah Indian wap, and pay lim a pension at the rate of sixteen dollars per month in 'eu o t at e is now receiving. "'°"K"`“'“°'· The name of Flora R. Turner, widow of Thomas J. Tumer, late medical director, United States Navy, and tppy her a pension at the www mlm ratrleh of Ithirgy Elollars pIer1mip1r;th indheu df']: t sl§ iiiplpw rieeégiving. · · e moA§nes. rwrowoames. er,a rear-

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o ars per mont in 'eu 0 t at s e is now receiving. my-Bmnm Coghe nameUof A. B(15owne,`1at1e of Thi(rity-sixthmand Fourth mpames, ni tates oast t' ery an paya pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month. ’ Approved, March 3, 1909. liawgrm. CHAP. 294.-An Act For the reliet of R. J. B. Newcombe. U"*“*“· N°· M-] Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofltlepzeaerztatives of the United R·J·f,,}`l,‘j,"°°‘“"°· States of Amer£ca in Oongresa assembled, t the Secreta of the Paym . _ _ _ ry Treasury be, and he .18 hereby, authorized and directed to pay_to R. J. B. Newcombe, hrs representatives or assigns, the sum o nine hundred and sixty dollars and four cents, out of any money in the Treasury not otberw e appropriated, the same to be for loss sustained 1n constructing wharf and boat ouse at the life-saving station on South Manitou Islan , Michigan. Approved, March 3, 1909. Nw gk11m- _GHAP. 295.—An Act For the relief of the Richmond Light Infantry Blues, of

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[Private, No. ms.] Be it enacted ln; the Senate and House o Re esentatives of the United ¤..."§$,"":;‘l.‘:‘.?.¥".t"§¥£1 sum of America at cmgrest membzet rtii the sammy of the "{‘.;';:m,,,,w_ Treasury be,_ and is here E authorized and directed to pay to the Richmond kighitr Infantry luels, of the State of Vggrma, out 0; any money in t a easury not otherwise a ropriate the sum o one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eght dollars, and forty-eight cents, in full settlement for their c aim for clothing and other quartermaster supplies which were taken_ by the members thereof into_the service of the United States rn eighteen hundred and ninety-eight during the war with Spain, and wom out or lost or destroyed therein through no fault of their own. Approved, March 3, 1909. Tam: fc?. E98R——An Act For the relief of the Herman Andrae Electrical Company, __ · · o . 1 wan ee, ’isconsin. - (Privat , N .209.] E 0 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqwesentatives of the [halted m§c<z·1;¤g;¤ Cgndrae States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the mating, wli°Q{;°°y' Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be I,,,,,;"§,.‘{,,,_,‘°,;,,,,§‘f"‘ pazlllfépom the propegilpdraré trrlral fund, to tlge Hermafn fndrge Igleci tri mpany, of i wau ee, 'isconsin the sum o our un re and eight dollars deducted b the Secrietary of the Interior as a 2 Y » Y pgnaltp under contract numbered fifteen thousand and forty-two, ted ecember fourth, nineteen hundred and six. Approved, March 3, 1909. ·