Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1368

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1344 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cns. 242, 243. 1911. t Is¤g¤¤;{·¤¤g,¤ ofm- The Chief of Ordnance, in conducting_mamfacturing or similar em a cw 0 erations under any particular appropriation heretofore or hereafter made, is authorized to use materia procured under any apprormaa riation and to replace the same in kind or otherwise: rovided, ’*°°°““'“"· }l`hat in doing so the methods shall be such that each appropriation will be charged with the full value of the material use in carrying out its object. m%<>g,;dru¢;{°3;gl¤;_¤¤¤° BOARD OF ORDNANCE AND FORTIFICATION. Purchaseaetc. To enable the board to make all needful and proper purchases, experiments, and tests to ascertain, with a view to their utilization by the Government, the most effective guns, small arms, cartridgxes, projectiles, fuses, explosives, torpedoes, armor plates, and other implements and engines of war, and to purchase or cause to be manufactured, under authority of the Secretary of War, such guns, carriages, armor plates, and other war material as may, in the judgment of the board, be necessary in the proper discharge of the duty devei.zs,p.¢sa volved upon it by the Act approved September twenty-second, - ·<>M¤¤¤ member- eighteen undred and eighty-eig t; to ay the salary of the civilian member of the Board of Ordnance and Fortification provided by the Vo1.‘=6.p.’ro¤. Act of February twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, _ and for the necessary traveling expenses of said member when travell’°""‘°"’·°‘°· ing on duty as contemlpla in said Act; for the payment of the necessary expenses of the board, mcluding a per diem allowance to each officer etailed to serve thereon, when em loyed on duty away from his permanent station, of two dollars and fifty cents a day; and for the test of experimental guns, carriages, and other devices ro-· cured m accordance with the recommendation of the Board of (Erdnance and Fortification, twenty-five thousand dollars, the expenditure of which shall be made by the several bureaus of the War Department heretofore havingvaurisdiction of the same, or by the board itself, as ggyh me hmm the Secretary of _ ar may direct: Prmnkled, That before any money am. shall beexpendegl 111 the construction or test of any gun, gun carriage, ammumtion, or implements under the supervision of the said board, the board shall be satisfied, after due inquiry, that the Government of the United States has a lawful right to use the inventions involved 1n the construction of such gun, gun carriage, ammunition, or implements, or that the construction or test is made at the request of a person either having such lawful right or authorized to convey the same to the Government. Approved, March 4, 1911. Murph 4. 1911. CHAP. 243.-—An Ac · · __ is wa seven tundra an tWt§i;Ei*$ZeY°ii}’i$‘iial1‘,§*23¤l*diZ{§iz€`§?‘2§Oi£L§tiZ‘g*l$§i§"?é§2,`é“l$ ‘°“"’“‘ "°‘ ‘*"‘ Z?£"if.‘£iE1“StE%E°BE§i¤’Z`2'T$?"i>°§i?.§‘..i.°i§?““'° °‘ °"““g°° °‘ g”“’° "“é *° °°°“““°“°“ _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re eserztativ d %*g*B';;;;{)Qg{g},¤e*§gi States of Amerika in Congress assembled, llhaginder and¤i1i)je,h]i:eorgli.fiii::e Union Station. with the terms and provisions of the Act of Con ess approved April V°l· 33- P·”°· twenty-second, nineteen hundred and four, entiiged "An Act to provide for payment of damages on account of change of grade due to construction of the Union Station, in the District of Columbia " as Vo};. as, p. mo. amended by the Act of Congress approved June twenty-ninth nine- {,‘],,‘j,_*};,‘gg;‘}]·n ,0 teen hundred and six, the commission appointed under said Act is gggzmuipgesoiuim of. herebyauthorizegl and directed to meet and) view the property known ° as lot eighty-six, in square seven hundred and twenty-three, improved y premises numbered four hundred and nine First street northeast, city of Washmgton, District of Columbia, and hear testimony touching the damages to said property wh1ch have resulted from changes