Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1369

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SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cns. 243-246. 1911. 1345 in the grade of streets, avenues, or alleys authorized b the Act of V°*-“2·P· 91*- Congress approved February twenty-eighth, nineteen liundred and three, relating to the construction of a union railroad station in the District of Columbia, and to appraise and determine the amount of damages, if any, to which the owner of said property so affected by change of grade may be entitled. Sec. 2. That if any of the parties interested, their personal re re- aJ“'{s'° °°“°*d°* sentatives, or the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, shall) be mm ` dissatisfied with the appraisement or award of said commission, the court shall, on motion of the parties so dissatisfied, direct the United States marshal to summon a jury of seven disinterested men, not related to any person in interest, to meet and view the said property, and to appraise and determine the amount of dama es to which the owner o said property so affected b change ·o¥ grade may be entitled, as provided in and by the afbresaid Act of Congress so amended as aforesaid. Sec. 3. That a sufficient sum to pay the com ensation and expenses D£g,f;€$;§;Q%’;s*¥°m of said commission and the compensation olf said jurors, and the ` amount of any appraisement or award of dam es made in favor of the owner of said ro erty is hereby appropriatggl out of the revenues · of the District ofpCdlumbia, and Efty per centum thereof shall be R°*¤¤d°‘°"° Wi refunded to said District of Columbia by the United States. Approved, March 4, 1911. . CHAP. 244.-—An Act For the erection of a monument over the grave of President March 4. 1911- John Tyler. [S· 3662*] Public, No. 484. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United [ 1 States of America in Congress assembled, That the_ Secretary of War T§,§,§“d°“‘ "°h“ be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause a suitable menu- u`1\éo¤ument nuphormeut to be erected over the grave of the late John Tyler, former 9 °v°'g""°°‘ President of the United States, in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia,,not to exceed in cost the sum of ten thousand dollars. cm. Approved, March 4, 1911. CHAP. 245.-An Act To place David Robertson on the retired list of the United March 4.1911. States Army. ____§;j}Q°i____ _ Public. No. 483.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0_fRegrresentatv}ves of the United [ States of America in Congress assembled, That in consequence of the »$:`¤:_y.l Rnbmm long, faithful, and meritorious service of David Robertson, under ,.imd’§., .,..,.0.i3.§ appointment of the Secretary of }Var, as hospital steward, and ser- ‘Q§mf‘;‘,§H‘[g;f,d;‘gQ‘;j;$f geant, iirst—class, hospital corps, in the Army of the United States em. since May twenty-seventh, eig teen hundred and fift]~four, a period of fifty-Eve years, the Secretary of W'ar be, and he_1s ereby, authorized to place said David Robertson on the retired list of en isted men of the army, with full pay of his grade and commutation of allowances at the following rates dper month: Clothing, four dollars and fifty-six cents; rations, thirty ollars, and fuel and quarters, twenty dollars. Approved, March 4, 1911. CHAP. 246.-An Act To rovide for allotments to certain members of the Heh, March 4. 1911. Quileute, and Ozette tribes of) Indians in the State of Washington, [S 6269-l Public, No. 486. Be it enacted by the Senate and [Ruse of RepresentatZ2»es of the [Gifted [ 1 States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Rggjpgggfl {V‘;;l,i_¤¤ Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to make allot- ` ments on the Quinaielt Reservation, Washington, under the provisions