Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/1603

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cxx International Union for Protection of Indus- Page- { Interstate Commerce Com·miss·ion—Continued. Page t l P t , railway accidents to be monthly reported to - 350 deficiergty apiiyziiwrpliiation for expenses of investigation of; powers, etc . . . . 351 meetinv of, at Washington, D. C 119, in connection with State commissions. 301 U 775, 1290 forms of reports, etc_., to be prescribed bfv. 351 International Waterways Commission, standard safety appliances equipment or appropriation for expenses. ... 730, 1407,t}to be designated by, in six 298 , Censu , mon s . .. : . . . ingllgifglriogssiitsenumergtgm. . . . . . . . . . 6 thextensign of 0]§1ggg gmgi ggrdzgrxgcacié . . ter t , t' n ¢m.sua·r ermce, oprescriem 1 _ .. napIrIii:§pgi·`i;atiog)fg1i,;$nLl€a(;siesandcgegutéons 338, Interstate Commgrweguhtzona (see also Comt de t,Ch' a,Japan an Tur ey. 339, _ merce o , _ Olnztll to be paiiiuother saiaries .. . . 339, 1030 creation of Commerce Coiut, functions, etc . 539 for quarters, student, Japan and Tur— application of ... Z. . .. ... 544 key . . .. 339, 1030 tra,ns_p0rta.tion of oil, etc., by pipe lines 544 for consulates .. 346, 1035 sending messages by telegraph, telephone, Interstate Commerce, or cable between States, etc 544 regulations of, transportation of females for transportation by rail or rail and water beimmoral practices, etc .. 825 twee% States, Territories, etc .,___.. I ter tate C Cases, within a erritoryz ,,,_., . ,,__.. nprexcedengerlgzifrrgii to, of public importance- 854 to an adjacent foreign country .. . . . . 545 certihcate of Attorney-Genere.1 to secure through a foreign country to United hearing at earliest practicable day. - 854 States. . ._ .··-. Z ----··- 545 composition of court; filling vacancies 854 to port of shipment for fore1gn country. 545 divisions oi opinicin; assignment of addi- 854 fromtjoreign country to port of destmn- 545 t' ci i u e .,..,..., non . .. .» .. rear·gi1(iif:nt tbflbe {13:%*1  % not sgpptlgcable to traiiic wholly within a 545 d‘ uses lu .. ta -----.-----.· I1•pt:rl.iitazig(;:o?rnmzrcliz1(f,‘0mmiZssion, "common carrier " includes express and gp mprigtion im- 3$,1$l'i0S .. . ... 719, 1396 sleeping car companies .. 545 for expenses, regulating commerce". 719, 1396 "railroad’ includes bridges, ferries, etc. 545 for enforcing reports, infomation, etc., 196 zrmgtihmkrtsrmiml facilities, etc _.,.. from common carriers 719,eighty s etc ... for grbitmting railway employees’ diffegg 1397 "trnns¥»ort3ltio1i" inclgdes cars, facilities 545 ences ..,,,,,.. . , or ipment, e . . . designation of member to perform 1397 services for receipt, transfer, delivery, 545 duties in .. storage, etc for enforcing safety appliances regula- carriers to furnish, u n request .._,,_... 545 tions ,.,___,__, , .,., 719 1397 throu 11 routes ancfgeasonable rates, , - 545 for securing reports ofmilwsy accidents. , 720 rules ger return of cars, etc ... 545 for expenses, compelling use of safe loco- 1397 all charges tg be just an¢Hess3na{>le ..,,.. 545 motive engine oi ers .. unjust an unressona e, ec ered unextension of period for compliance of lawful .,.. 545 safety aE§ha.rAce:ut¢;4cs;r§sl uin classification of telegraph, etc., mes- 545 service m p y sages .. . ,,,,.. 1, 1911 ... . ’ 1397 contracts with carriers by telegraph, em., for investigating block-signal systems, companies allowed , , _ . . 546 f etc ... . . . gg, just and reasonable classification, etc., of or rinting an in mg or ... . . roperty to e e . .. 546 deieigneyappmpdation for CharlesSterek. ’ 121 fsciliiies for baggage, etc .,,_ _ . . 546 for arbitmting railway employees’ differ- unjust classifications, etc., of interstate and ences . 782 foreign commerce unlawful .._,,_,.. 546 for legal expenses under Attorney·Gen- free transportation of pussen ers forbidden. 546 { eral: .. (H), .é; . ggg enceptugxs; emfployées snii families, etc. 546 or riuting an in mg ... mterc ange or officers, etc ...,,,.. 546 eases iii commerce court by, or against, to exchange of telegraph franks, etc ,,,.. 546 be brought by or against the United 50 yézamployees " described ..,__,. 546 States . 543 11 ‘ mi ies" described r 547 Comme;-Ice Court to en§orce orders of, other , H 8 pengldty for gigring or using _,,,,._____ _ _ _ 547 t an pa ent o money . . . . 4 uri iction o offenses . 547 to decide suirtglto enjoin, etc., orders of- . 1148 railroads forbidden to carry products in to enforce regulations of, by mandamus, 1149 bwhich interested . . 547 etc ... tim er excepted ..,______,_,____ _ _ _ _ 547 eommondcarrieérs required to comply with 554 switch cmigniections, and cars to be inror ers 0 ... ms ..,..,.. . ____,,,.____ _ _ _ _ 547 enforcement of orders oi, other than pay- discriminations forbidden. --.. . . 547 ment of money, by Commerce Court. 539 enforcement by order of Commission 547 may irétervene in cases before Commerggg 150 charges for short and long hauls . . . . . . . 547 ourt. . 1 aggregate, for shorter d' te. ce n t t · part o§9§’;1.tentd0Hicel§>lrintgng allotment, ,1448 au ceed longer, org s:i;1enroi5te(i..?, 547 , ma e avan e or ... - owance in ci ; ‘ ' safe locomotive-engine boilers provisions. . 913 Comnnssitigrif . . Eiléw?- i). 548 inspection, investigations, etc .. 914 temporary continuance of present mtes suits to enjgin, etc., ordgrs 4;;, to beulgyugigt until deggrmination; limitation; gxin _ ommerce ou agar e tension time . 548 United States; effect of, etc 542 eiect of water competition . 548