Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1032

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ARBITRATION CONVENTION—MEXICO. JUNE 24,1910. 2481 Convention between the United States and Mwzico, for arbitratwkm of the ·‘“¤° 2*- 1°1°· title to the Chamizal tract. Signed at Washington, June 24, 1910,· ratyication advised by the Senate, December 12, 1910,- ratijied by the Premklent, January 23, 1911; ratified gy Mexico, December 27, 1910; rati/ications exchanged at Washington, anuary 24, 1911; proclaimed, January 25, 1911. BY THE Pnnsmnm on rmt UNITED STATES or AMmucA. A PROCLAMATION. , Whereas a Convention between the United States of America m§Q“'“‘”‘ “"""°· and the United States of Mexico for the arbitration of the diderences ‘ which have arisen between the two Governments as to the international title to the Chamizal tract was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the twent_y—fourth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and ten, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: · Convention (go; the Arbitration of Converwiéndearbilmjepamelcaso the mizal Case. de "El C7:amizal". The United States of America Los Estados Unidos de América °°“*”°“°¤P°”°¤~ and the United States of Mexico, y los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, desiring to terminate, in accord- deseando terminar de acuerdo con ance with the various treaties and los varios Tratados y Convencioconventions now existing between nes vigentes entre los dos paises, the two countries, and in accord- {nsegfm los principios del Derecho ance with the principles of inter- temacional, las diferencias ue national law, the differences han surgido entre los dos Ggbi— which have arisen between the ernos respecto del dominio emitwo Governments as to the inter- nente sobre el territorio de "El national title to the Chamizal Chamizal", acerca del cual no tract, upon which the members of han podido ponerse de acuerdo los the International Boundary Com- miembros de la Conusion Internamission have failed to agree, and cional de Limites, y habiendo dehaving determined to refer these terminado someter estas diferendifferences to the said Commis- cias a dicha Comision establesion, established b the Conven- cida por la Convencién de 1889, tion of 1889, which for this case que unicamente para este caso se only shall be enlarged as herein- ampliara como se estipula adeafter provided, have resolved to lante, han resuelto celebrar una conclude a Convention for that Convencion con ese objeto, y han purpose, and have appointed as nombrado como sus respectivos their regpective Plenipotentiaries: Plenipotenciarios: The resident of the United El Presidente de los Estados "*€"*P°‘°”“°"°¤· States of America, Philander Unidos de América al Senor C. Knox, Secretary of State of Philander C. Knox, Secretario the United States of America; de Estado de los Estados Uniand dos de América, The President of the United El Presidente de lies Estados States of Mexico, Don Fran- Unidos Mexicanos al Senor cisco Leon de la Barra, Am- Don Francisco Leon de la bassador Extraordin and Barra,Embajad0r Extraordi- Plenipotentiary of thiaulbznited nario yPlenipotenciario de los States of Mexico at Washing- Estados Unidos Mexicanos en ton; Washington, 88741°—-von 36. PT 2-——11—-66