Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1510

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INDEX. A 2851

;1Maq; Turner (zmiiow),   Cleveland, Silo.; T,, Pnse.

- -; --·-----—~-- - --·------·-------- ’ n in eased ... . .,.. 1930 C’ u€glford, 1481 Uliilglaiielliggi, Ariz., _¢ _ ----------------·-·----- proclsma `on setting ¤s'd , N N - 0;:;;;, Kellum $1., 1777 CIIS tional Monumenti . . - il. 2491 on crease .._,,,,.,. , ,_,,, { wm org; Merrilias, fklegales, and Reshlent Clon fi-eelliss, unmpnnfnctured ,,_.,.. . _,_,, 79 _ m er , imrd, ip S., appro nation for , . ..,. 478, 1180 ' r-eased __,,.,, , ,__,,_,,,.,_,__, 2074 accorded to Resident Commissioners from ozi°$'§}$ii»e1ii°va. and Term., the Plnhppmes ..,,,... , ... 910 appropriation for improvement of ..., , _ . , 652 Clerk of of Repreoentatwcs, time extended for bridging, Va . . . 330 apegropnatron for, clerks, etc ... 473, 1176 Cline, Philip, ciency iggrclpnntign for compiling 1151011 increased, , . , . ..,, _ ,,.,,, , ______ _ 1802 contep e ection cases 805 Clifton, Mary (widow), · statement o expenses in elections of Mem- n increased ,,,,,.,,_ . ,,,.__,__,__, 1674 bers to be filed with, by political C’lmwri0R@ver, Mich? by ... . C apprcopnation for improvement of .. 655, 947 · . .. uses Clerk of the Supreme Court, duty on, china, etc., decorated, etc . . 18‘ lppomtment: . . .. 1152 not decorated, etc __ _ _,,,.,,_______ 18 bond; deputies; tees, etc-,._ . . ..,...,. 1152 010.,1; peru, Clerks arg Jcrmlor.s_t0 Commettees, House of C 121:1: nge list, white glass enamel for ...,. . - , 76 eprummlwer orvernznzs, — arzropriation for I .. Z .. 474, 1177 duty on . . ,,___,,...,_______ 31 Oler •md_Messengerc to Cammetteea, Senate, Clocks, Clzplprzpréation for . , 469, 1171 C l;1;r:;yJon, mg specially provided for ________ 31 _ _ , , amea ., a ropnatron for ... . . . 346, 1035 ion increased ,,______,_.,,__ _ ____ 2113 cgrpegciency appmizlaition for ... 223 Uma, Alfred L., at E’mbau·nea` Legutnbm, ron increased ... , ,_,,.._,,___ 1303 appropriation fom-, .. . 338, 1029 Cm George L., degciency appropriation for ... 774 lpemiion increased ... , ,__,,,,_____ 1482 Club' M€“€ngei3’ dli1A,dny»1m z 246 1040 com appropriatron or, a ea q ers, e c. - , ut on com; ,,____ _ __,,. , ,_____ _ _ 42 Cl hdugin War Department forbidden. 247, 1041 ydetenninaliiopi oh ..,.,.,__,_ 46 er to ommitteea, cotton, etc., an s` . ... . .. .,.. 46 appropriation for House of Representa- cotton, figured, etc . 47 tiyes, annual . . .. 474, 1177 cotton, mercer-ized, etc _____,, . ..,___ _ _ _ 47 semron ..,..,...,,,... . ..,,,., 475, 1178 cotton, not sgcrnlly provided for ..., . . 48 Clerks to Senators, cotton orlclo ..,... . ,_,_,_ 46 appropriation for- .: . .. 472, 1174 cotton table dsmask ..,,,,_____ 48 de ciency apgproprmtion for ... 1315 cotton tracing .. 46 Olake, Urrzted Courts, 750 1426 gotten Window hollands ... 46 a ropnatron or ees . x, etc. ... . . 51 dggciency appropnation for fees .. , 224, army . 51 f C (227, 799, 812, 814, 1311, 1324, 1327 Eiiir press ... . ., ° 67 or ommerce ourt .. . . . 890 hirting flax tc . . 51 allowance of salaries for additional clerks silk. . .3 ,,_, ,,,_,,,_.,,,.,._,,.. 57 for 1;1}tural1zationfr1;)r¤pé>ses on?. . 830 sill:-egliped sleeve linings .. . 46 paymen or servmes m eptem er- 7, i s pes- ,,,,,.,.,,,_,,..,,_,_._.,.. 46 1906, to June 30, 1907 .. . . . . 830 iracing ... . 46 appointment for Commerce Court; salary, waterproof, cotton, etc .. . .. - . .- 50 .1 t°‘¥ ‘‘‘=‘‘‘* t ‘`‘‘‘` 1 ‘‘‘‘ 1 1.“°’“‘" "éé’§°{*’t“‘§{ri%{§}.""'°”"’°"‘°' ······ 53 11 , or ('jlfcul co 0 nppen 5 au or- on IS , , _____ . , , _____ 73 cp ized ---··------------·-~--—----- 895,1132 Clothier Mmrmzz M g appointment, deities, etctia . 895, 1132 lgemién i,,cm,Bed_`f___ 1981 one to e a inte or eac istrict ... 1087 · A °````°``-°-_°``°`'` deputies a.rlii.)li)orized; appointment, duties, C ag) fm; _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _ _ 257, 1052 _ ew ··-------- ; - -_ ---·—-—-~-- , ------ 1087 gr indemnity for destroyed, etc . 257,1053 Y6¤t1'1011011 011 ¤PP°111¤118, *8 "°°€1V°1' 0* deficiency approfpriation for .. 220, 225, 1321 mw I §¤¤c·§;'€12 ··-····-~··---····—··---·--— 1105 for relief of su erers, Louisiana storm". 789 $$24 mflftifer me C1<··’·1~¤» #’¤#M <>~r·» Clggeland National Fm-est, Cal., =·r·r1¤>v¤=**·¤¤ fw '‘‘'’‘'‘°'‘`'‘‘ 626* 1285 appropriation formaintenance, etc., of., Q6, 1248 Ol0¢}11719» Read?/·-Made, Cguroclamation modifying boundaries of . 2768 d11§¥k°¤» °0tl¥011, GV? ---· » ...· 1 -·-- , ... gg gland Oh` , 81 - -·—· · -·-—-- _ -·-·— ··--_- --··-·· - -··· appropriatigir for improvement of harbor. 653, 728 W00l¢11, 110t Spevlally provided for .. 54 or public building, rent ... . . . . 704 Cloud, Abby B. (widen`), for 1mprovement of new harbor enhance, pension increased .,...,___ _ _ _ .,..., , _____ 1839 etc . , . Z ... _. 728, 729, 1405 Clough, Albert N., deficiency appropjrflntron for publrc build- pension increased .,,,__,,.,,___,, 1717 ing, furms g . 205 Clough, John F., terms of court at ...,,.,... . ..,,, , . 1121 pension increased .,.,.,_ _ , _ , ,... . - .,,__ , , 1523