Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1623

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2964 INDEX. Insectimlde Act, 1910—C0ntinued. Prize- Imtitutiom, National, Page regulations for examination, etc., to be on free list, works of art, etc., for presentamade . 331 tion to . . . 81 examination by Department of Agriculture 332 Imtructabn Pay, Diplomatic and Consular hearin iffound adulterated, etc 332 Ojiccrs, publéscation of judgment . 332 appropriation for .. . . 338, 1029 proceedings . . 332 Instrummta, _ definition of insecticides . 332 dut on, glass, optical ... 21 of Paris green ... . . . 332 on gee list, professional, of immigrants: . . 78 of lead arsenate . ... 332 to prevent conception, produce abortion, of fungicide . .. 332 etc., forbidden entry; SBIZIIIG, etc. . 86 articles eemedndulterated .. . 332 Irurular A fairs Bureau, Argg, _ misbmnded 333 appropriation for pay of cers; longevity. 248, protection of dealer by guaranty of manu- _ _ _ _ 1042 facturer, wholesaler, etc ... .. 334 additional assistant authorized, rank, conditions requisite .. _ ... 334 pay, etc . .. 2.- Z -- . 248 seizure of adulterated, etc. articles - . . 334 for care of insane soldiers in Phihppmes disposition if condemned, 334 and Porto Rico .. . 1053 return to owner; conditions ... 334 Inrular A fairs Bureau, War Department, examination of articles imported 1-. 334 appropriation for Law officer, clerks, etc. 503, 1206 admimion refused if adulterawd or HDB- or rent . . . 504, 1206 branded . . _- 334 Insular Possesmbrw, return to owner or consignee; condi- np*proPriation for mail equipments for.. 362, 1334 tions -. 334 or ortiiications .. . 598, 1343 ap lication of terms employed . 335 for semoast batteries, Hawaiian and ud; ..,,. . ,... - . . 335 Philippine Islands . . ... 598, 1343 in effect January 1, 1911 . 335 for electric plants, Philippine Islands. 598, 1343 Insects (sec also Entomology Bureau, Depart- for searchlights for harbor defense, Philment of Agriculture), ippine and Hawaiian Islands- - . . 598, 1343 dum, dried ... _ 13 for preservation, repair, etc., fortificaon list, crude dried, drugs, not specially tions, Philippine Islands - - . 598, 1343 provided for -. . 75 for preservation, repair, etc., torpedo eggs of ..-.-..-.-..- 75 structures, Phili pine Islands. . . 598, 1343 Insertings, for suyaplies, etc., Eatteries, Hawaiian duty on, cotton, flax, etc ---. - . 50 an Philippine Islands ...-... - 598, 1343 cotton, silk, etc., made on Lever or for land defenses, Philippine Islands -..- 1343 Gothrough machine ..-.-.. . . 50 for operating fire-contro stations ..-. 598, 1343 silk .,-.. . ..-... 60 for constructing fire-control stations .-... 599 woolen . J .. 54 for seaccest cannon, etc ...-- . . 1343 Inspection of Steam Vessels, for ammpmtion for seacoast cannon, etc. 1343 temporary certificates by inspectors for use · for gltenng seacoest artillery . .. 1343 until officinl is received. Z 831 for mstallntiou of seacoast artillery . 1343 restrictions on vessels sailing without cer- customs tariff schedules applicable to, extiiicates . 832 cept the Philippines, Guam, and Inspector G'¢neral’s Department, Army, 'lfutuila .-.-. . ... 11 appropriation for pay of omcem; l0ngev— discrimmations against wearers of United it ... . ..- 247, 1041 States uniforms by theaters, ew., in, Inspector generalk Oqioe, War Department, a. misdemeanor; penalty .. . . . .· 963 appropriation for c erks, eu: -...- . 502, 1204 white-slave tm$c provisions applicable to. 827 or expert accountant, travel expenses 249, 1043 Insurance Corporations, compensation --...- - - ...-..- 249, 1043 1 excepted from voluntary bankruptcy .-.-. 839 Impectan, Intenbr Department, I invol1mts.ry_ bankruptcy -.. 839 appropriation for .. . . 511, 1214 excise tax levied on net incomes of ..- 112 or per diem, etc .--. . -. 512, 1214 Imnrance Department, D. C., deiciency appropriation for traveling ex- appropriation for salaries . . . . . 379, 972 penses- . - ..-..-- : ... 1323 Q printing annual regorts ..-. . . -... 379 Inapectora, Interior Department, Special, Insurance, Internatrkmal ongresa on Somhl, appropriation for - ... 511, 1214 invited to meet in United States ,,,,,,__ 1034 or per diem, etc . .: -...-... 512, 1214 Intaglio Seals, Foreign Mail Scrviu, defciency appropriation for . . . 222, 226, 810 appropriation for .. . . 366, 1339 Inspectors, Hina, _ _ Integwrrwnts of Animals, appropriation for salaries; per diem 742, 1419 on free list, crude, etc., not specially pro- Inspectors of Hull: and Boilers, _ vided for . ... 73 appropriation for salaries of, and assistants. 1228 Interest cmd Sinking Fund, District of Colum- Inspectorr of Irrigation, Indzhn Department, bah, appxigapriatiorr for psy, eu: ... . 270, 1059 appropriation for . 404, 995 to skilled tion engineers. . . 270, 1059 Intacst on Bonds and Ccrtsjicates of Indebted- Imtitute of , Intematiemal, mss, appropriation for payment of quota and payable in gold coin .,,,,,_,,_, _ _______ 192 _ expenses of member. .. 342, 1032 Interior Department, Immutsmu, _ _ appropriation for Secretary, Assistants, atcepsug ¢ll'•1!1\B!8'(1Q¤ of mmxtus of 4 torneys, etc ..,,, , ,,,,___,_ 511, 1213 Inamutumg, Educutwnal, atc., _ _ duties of chief clerk specified ... 1213 on hst pooks, etc., for; limit ... 74 for bard of pension arms. .,,,,,,,._, 511 phnlosopiucal apparatus, etc., for ... 78 vacancies not to be .. 511