Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/903

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2352 CONVENTION-NAVAL BOMBARDMENT. Ocromaa 18, 1907. PROVISOIRE DE LA REPU- His Majesty the En? of Spain; BLI¥UE DE CUBA; SA MA the President of the rench Re- JES E LE ROI DE DANE- public; His Majesty the King of MARK; LE PRESIDENT DE the United King om of Great LA REPUBLIQUE DOMINI- Britain and Ireland and of the CAINE; LE PRESIDENT DE British Dominions beyond the LA REPUBLIQUE DE Seas, Emperor of India; His L’E§UATEUR; LE PRESI- Majesty the King of the Hellenes; DE T DE LA REPUBLI%UE the President of the Republic FRANSAISE; SA MAJE TE of Guatemala; the President ‘of LE R I DU ROYAUME-UNI the Republic of Haiti;His Majesty DE GRANDE BRETAGNE ET the King of Italy; His Ma esty D’IRLANDE ET DES TERRI- the Emperor of Japan; His Royal TOIRES BRITANNIBUES AU Highness the Grand Duke of _ DELA DESMERS, EREUR Luxemburg, Duke of Nassau; DES INDES; SA MAJESTE LE the President of the United ROI DES HELLENES; LE States of Mexico; His Royal PRESIDENT DE LA REPU- Highness the Prince of Monte- BLIEOSUE DE GUATEMALA;LE negro; His Majflsty the King of PR IDENT DE LA REPU- Norwajj; the resident of the BLI%EUE D’HAITI; SA MA- Repub `e of Panama; the Presi- JES LE ROI D’ITALIE; SA dent of the Republic of Par ay; MAJESTE UEMPEREUR DU Her Majesty the Queen :Iuthe JAPON; SON ALTESSE ROY- Netherlands; the President of the ALE LE GRAND-DUC DE Republic of Peru; His Imperial LUXEMBOURG,DUC DE NAS- Majesty the Shah of Persia; His SAU; LE PRESIDENT DES· Majesty the King of Portugal and ETATS-UNIS MEXICAINS‘ of the Algarves, &c. ; His Ma`esty’ SON ALTESSE ROYALE LE the King of Roumania; His )Maj- PRINCE DE MON TEN EGRO; esty the Emperor of All the Rus- SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE sins; the President of the Repub- NORVEGE; LE PRESIDENT lic of Salvador; His Majesty the DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE PA- King of Servia; His Majesty the NAMA; LE PRESIDENT DE King of Siam; His Majesty the LA REPUBLIQUE DU PARA- King of Sweden; the Swiss Fed- _ GUAY· SA STE LA eral Council; His Majesty the REINE DES PAYS—BAS; LE Emperor of the Ottomans; the PRESIDENT DE LA REPU- President of the Oriental Repub- BLI3EE DU PEROU; SA MA- lic of Uru ay; the President of J ES IMP ER IALE LE the Unite<FStates of Venezuela: SCHAH DE PERSE; SA MA- JESTE LE ROI DE PORTUGAL ET DES ALGARVES, ETC.; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE ROUMANIE; SA MAJESTE L’EMPEREUR DE TOUTES LES RUSSIES; LE PRESI- DENT DE LA REPUBLI- %%E DU SELVADOR; SA MA- TE L R01 DE smi- BIE; SAMAJESTELEROI DE SIAM; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE SUEDE; LE CON SEIL FE- DERAL SUISSE; SA MA- JESTE UEMPEREUR DES OT- TOM.ANS· LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ORIEN- TALE DE L’U"RUGUAY; LE PRESIDENT DES ETATS- UNIS DE VENEZUELA: 1