Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/226

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SIXTY·SEGOND CONGRESS. Sm. II. Ch. 253. 1912. 203 bered Nine hundred and fifty-nine Sixty·£rst Congress, second session, thirteen thousand six hundred dollars. Impaov%East Chester Creek, New York: Continuing improve- gk? °"‘°"°"°"' ment, ten usand dollars. · c°Remoying obstructions in Fast RiverkandtlIIel§[iEii:s1lte,G1;I.:w Eork “‘:_"N“{"•"'m°“ ntanuing rm p vement inc ud1ng' wor at e e un an ` in the channelulgetween North Brother and South Brother Islands, one hundred thousand dollars. Improving Harlem River, New York: Continuing improvement, “*"°'¤m'°*’·”-Y· twentylfive thousand dollars. Improvingl Newtown Creek, New York: For maintenance, fifteen NN;"*°"¤ °*°°*· thimsmldvingflo R1 N Y k Co l .m•¤¤· nm Y mpro i ara `ver, ew or : m e im rovement '°'·¤· · in accordance the report submitted in Ho%se ent Numbered Five hundred and orty-nine, Sixty-second Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, twenty-seven thousand five hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty cents. Improving Jamaica Bay, New York, and entrance thereto in accord- J""‘*°‘ I"' R Y' ance with the report submitted in Document Numbered Fourteen hundred and eighty-eight, Srxtreth Congress, second session, three hundred thousand ollars, from which amount the Secretary of rc1;Yh`n?§‘:¤i° eg.? War may reimburse the city of New York each month for the dredai ***8- ing and the disposition of dredged material of the preceding mon at the actual unit price per cubic yard place measurement: Pro- Find"' vided, That such cost does not exceed eight cents per cubic yard. _ Improving Arthur Kill, New York and New Jersey: For mainte- ,,;§'{§"_{ mb N· "· nance of improvement of Arthur Kill and the waters connecting Raritan Bay with New York Harbor, including channel north of Shooters Island, twenty thousand dollars. Improving Absecon Inlet New Jerslsy, in accordance with the n"°°°'""1°°’N‘J‘ report submitted in House Document umbered Thirteen hundred and ninety-five, Sixty-frst Congress, third session, one hundred and ninety thousand dollars of which amount so much as may be neces- sary may be used for the construction of a dredge: Proynkled, Thr <>¤¤¤-wu if, m the opinion of the Secretary of War, dredges of a suitable character to do the work at Absecon Inlet are readily obtamable for doing the work b contract at reasonable rates, the amount harem a pro riated shally become immediately available for the prosecution ol, such work. , _ K Hmm. Improving Ke rt Harbor, Matawan Creek, Raritan and South m:E°il` Rivers, Shoal mr and Compton Creek, and Cheese%uake Creek, New Jersey: For maintenance, twenty-three thousand ve hundred dollars; completing im rovement o South Riyer, New Jersey, between Bissetts and Old Bridge, in accordance with the redport su mitted in House Document umbered Five hundred an twenty, Sixty-second Congress, second session, e§ghty-seven thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and ten thousan five hundred dollars. _ Improving Raritan Bay, New Jersey: For maintenance, ten thou- ’·•*"•“ ”•¥·’*··’· sand dollars. _ A cmd N J Improving Absecon Creek, New Jersey: Completing improvement °'°°°“ ’ ‘ ‘ in accordance with the report submitte in House Document Numbered Seventy-one, Sixty-second Congress, first session, fifteen thousand dollars. _ rmpmvmgumioway creek, New Jersey: For maintenance, three *¤¤··*°*¤·*·*-’· thousand dollars. C0, M", Improving Cohanse River, New Jersey: For maintenance, three x. 1. ’ thousand five `hundred dollars. _ _ _ Improving Cooper River (Creek), New Jersey: Continuing °°°’°' R‘"" *‘J‘ improvement and or maintenance, five thousand dollars.