Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/559

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536 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 388. 1912. Pennsylvania. esnmi. and education of Indian upils at the Indian cum Ei.) and for pay of Iduperintendent, one hundred and thirty-two thousand dollars; for general repairs and improvements, twen thousand dollars· for comp etrng steam heating plant, seven thousantd Eve hundred_ dollars, to be immediately available; in‘all, one hundred and fifty-nme thousand ive hundred dollars. scorn Dakota. SOUTH DAKOTA. F¤•¤¤¤•¤ 8°**°°*· Sm. 21. For su rt and education of three hundred and sixty- five Indian p1;pilsld.Iil0the Indian school at Flandreau, South Dakota, and for pay o superintendent, sixty-one thousand fivehundred dollars; for the construction and egluiipment of a building, eight thousand dollars; for gen retpuairs an rmplrovements, five thousand dollars; in all, seven)?-four usand five undred dollars. Hm 8*='=°°l· For support and education one hundred and seventy-five Indian pupils at the Indian school at Pierre, South Dakota, and for pay of ’ superintendent, thirty-two thousand dollars; for general repaus and Pr¤¤*•¤· improvements, eleven thousand dollars: Provided, That four thou- 1m°°d°°' sand dollars of this amount shall be used in the construction and _ maintenanceofanirrigationsystcm for- theuseof said school; in forty-three tlmusand dollars.

  • ·*P*° °"’”'°°’· lulior su port and education of two hundred and fiftiy Indian pupils

at the Indian school City, South Dalppgad, and or pay of superintendent, forty-eight usand five hun dollan; for general repairs and im rovements, nine thousand dollars; for completion and exteipséon cg heating (plant, five thousand dollars; rn all, sixty-two thousan ve undred dollars. ` §i<>*¤ °‘ ‘m°"'*“‘ For support of Sioux of different tribes, including Santee Sioux of miie-$he¤._ew. Nebraska North Dakota, and South Dakota: For pay of five teachv°L “’· "‘ °"" ers, one physician, one carpenter, one miller, one engineer, two farm. ers and one blacksmith (article thirteen, treaty of Aipril twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight), ten thousand our hundred dollars; for ay of second blacksmith, and furnishing iron, steel, and other materialp (article eight of same treaty), one thousand six hundred dol- ¤¤·r·1¤v¤¤· lm; for pay of additional engoyees at the several agencies for the §_y¤g·¤*S¢¤°;é_6 Sioux in Nebraska North D ota, and South Dakota, eighty-eight °‘ '°` thousand dollars; for subsistence of the Sioux, and for pu ses of their civilization (Act of Februaxtiwenty-eéhth, eighteenlhoundred and seventy-seven), three and ty_ thousand dollars; {r¤g*;bmu0n_ Provided, That this sum shall include transportation of supplies from the termination of railroad or steamboat transportation, and in this m%l¤g{_;g{:)§ lggg service Indians shall emploiyed whenever practicable; and addirremruour. w tional to the appropriation o three hundred and fifty thousand r¤iiirZ°ir$iiriirpr‘L`rii>i¤. dollars herein ma e for the purposes of civilization, and supplemental thereto, there is hereby applroprrated the balance of eighty-five thousand five hundred_and erg teen dollars and twent cents from the tribal funds of the Indians on the Chelyenne River am? Standing Rock V I 3% 463 Resgrvatrrons, rn South Dakota and ortlr Dakota, appropriated by °· ·l’· ‘ gpgtron eight of the Act of May twenty-mnth, nineteen hundred and gght, which amount belongs exclusively to the Indians on the _ game River Reservation, and to be expended for their benefit; rip H l, five lprpdred and ttlgrrty-five thousand ve hundred and eighteen o ars ant wen cen . gmoola For- suppgrt audi maintenance of day and industrial schools among the Sioux drans, rncluding the erection and repairs of school build- V X 15 em ings, two h1rnplr·ed_ thousand dollars, to be expended under the vg]; ,5; g; ,,9,; igreement wrtn_sa1d Indians rn section seventeen of the Act of arch second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, which agreement