Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/71

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48 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. C11. 6. 1911. rubnunggg runuo num ami HABINPHOSPHAL SERVICE. T defi ' th tions for enses of Public H¤.i’i§“;.i£1.i' Marmf T.‘f¥&?.1,1?a1 °s.m“"‘*2E"t‘;...¤ year °§·F.’..a.¤ than d tw = · . ¤’¤¥·•*¤· mFor;>aT;;i’;;10i?fs;ia<i1‘, End commutatipn of quarttlers fordcgglmxv ` ed ed` lurty-mne thousand ars• ` m°§or Di § all otciiblr gh 0 ees, forty-two thousand dollars; , P Y P, Y , . . . ,,{[""°“"°°°"‘°* For maintenance of hosp1tals, mcludirzi subsistepucgi and for all other necessary_ eous explenses wlu are not uded umm under special heads, eight thousand do ara; { "°'"°" ·uF¢g1med1cal 0tns, care of zeameizilcggrgngagid tregggngegghgr o er perse` ns en 0 an expe thanthmarxneilhosgitals, which are’n0t included under special heads, ten usan; . In atl], ninety-nine thousanddollars. ¥·*•¤¤•·°°**•* smzvmn. levies. §gf,',:_'=l For the completion and equipment of two revenue cutters authorized by the Act a proved April twentti-first, nineteen hundred and ten, one hundredp and seventy-tive ousand dollars each, three . lnmdred and fifty thousand dollars. "•*"•···*·*·'~ wan Dmranmmm. ·

  • ¤."*.iF'¥'¥’%.Z wack of tmiamp mam; -r¤r masons mgm: rm- the raising

,L[‘·"·”-’“· ”“· or the removal of the wreck of the battleship Maine from the harbor of Habana, in accordance with the visions of the Act approved May ninth nineteen hundred and teiim two hundred and fifty thou- ··-······· ·· ¤- °' “°;“$t‘°*‘ "‘°’°€£‘ “.”§’;’ b° “°¥°”“"e.. R bh { re 0 au riz to trans er to epu 'c o

!:£¤g_¤m§=¤¤¢ Cuba, for inmratiohrigto a xiiemorial monument to be erected in

Habana, some part of wreck of the United States ship Maine, or of its ui ment now m the harbor of Habana, such as is no lo r uiredoibr iireservation or use by the United States. uga ,, ,:§§ of Navy ar? aurther authprizeal to donate anyp 0 wrec 0 0 ame,oro IS U1 men oro an ro erty found therein, not needed by the Uniald diates, ,to any gmlinidiz pahty_of the United_ States, or to any military or naval association cfg solcgety m thethUnit§d_ States, or to tho i:0l'11`18li)0m¢;$0l'S crew og Bmdcum e anne or eu- eus or representatives: rovui¢d_, at suc . artscanberecoveredandremoedf th wreck th t°te— xx nc forence with the general work of Iemoiddlmno; in progrwelss iiiid;1 the ,,d§§P,;'·“”· ‘* War Department: Promdedfurther, That all labor and costs of such removal shall be defrayed bg the municipality or other bod desiring the rehc, and that reasons le assurance sha be fumishec?1 that the parts so donated will be properlylpreserved and cared for as memonals and shall not be so d or otherwise disposed of without prior authority of the original donors. ¤•¢* vv ·¤¤ mon rar arm nomvrr. bounty. r•y¤e¤e cz. For payment of amounts for arr f f tw d three vom., mp Volunteers, for bounty to Voluntgii: tiingaihgir wtidbnws and igni- ¤* I, heus, for bounty_ under the Act of July twenty-e' hth e` hteen hun- Commvv lon of Ig ’ anon dred and sixty-s_1x, and for amounts for commutation di rations to prisoners of war III States of the so-called Confederacy, and to soldiers gp fgrlerpigh, thatdmay betheerésitigii to be due by the accountinf officers e reasu urin e we dy-od two hundred ihousanfdollaxs. year mm n un an twelve,