Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/925

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902 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS IH. Ch. 148. 1913. P••** ¤•**>°*· Marine barracks, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii: One set double quarters mum f°r};)mc°m’ $18,090; ;12,:).g$·,,,,,t&-·s’6Eto00ra(lrouse, $25,000; post

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°¤¤*Z•¤•·*’*¤¤·* oxlgiairtilnglbarracks Isthmnli of Panama: lllrection o§_barracks, quarters, and other buildings for accommodation of marines, $400,000. R¤v•!f• wd us-- Ranma ann nnsnvmox ar Navy raanspum sra·r1oNs: For ““°'“ re airs and reservation at navyrgsards and stations, $800,000. _ gbtal pulllic works, navy 5 , naval stations, naval proving unds and magazines, Nav Academy, Naval Observatory, an Amounts nvailabb Ezine Corps, $4,348,945, and the amounts herein agpropriated for ””m°°°°°°‘L public works, except for the Naval Observatory and or presergggion at navy yards and stations, shall be avanla le until expen . . ”¤*°·° °' "°'”°*°° aunnau or- nnmcnm nm sunonar. andsnrgmy. ,,;"¢°°*”' "°°”" Minion. Dkramunurz For ns' necessaries for vessels in commission, navy yards, naval Marine Corps, and for the €¤v¤ •·¤¤¤¤¤¤¤~ civil establishment at the several `tals, navy yards naval medicalsu;;g%%¢&ota, NavalMed1calSchoo Washington, and Naval Academy, , . . Sectionf thousand thnndredandhn ftheBevisedStat- N N hmm ut€sS¢g°th:8(l}:1li¥diwStates‘a1|%byh°an1rIended so ali to read:: follows: ‘ °" . 1 . shall rocure o '

*¤*·P-”•· places proper sites   gd if  

` arenotprocuredwitlnthesite, caus•snchtobeeracted,havig dueregard toeconomy, andgivijnilgupreferaneetomichplmsaswi most convenience and_ least eost admit of subsequent additions, wlaen tzhe funpstperguns and and shgilln e,aoneo e blishmcn,a rmanen asyum or {'°'*•¤· 0, cm Zhd decrepit Navy officers, Pcand marines: Provided, That ...“?$.2.¤. broom so ata sntgigts pw or 1¤»¤pi t§0mmd te 'onstoexis' hospi rau ` hyaéonlgessz Provided, That the sum of $70,000 is appropiiated, g1g¤••·¥:;—_m at to be aid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- ¤.¤pa¤li°' riatedi for the building of a new power plant at the Naval Hospital, ‘°'· “·"·” Ehelsea, Massachusetts, said sum of money to be paid into the Treasu from the proceeds of sale of land authorized by the naval Act of ine twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and six. " °°"““‘°“" A Commomrr, Bnanau or Mnmcnm ann Sunonr: For tolls and {,`Z,'.§l;‘°*".i°“"’2rE"“""°l'»°’°?ii’.?;g “?‘* Elf?} °‘ ”`.%f°“é0”“‘§h§‘3r3‘ anstanery,m omcreco,unun , d amhlets;hgxenicand anitaryinves' ti dill trati ;

 gud hygienic instruction; purchaseugatddorroyldlim 0ll?w?0(h1;,

,:::::02;.*: ,·.::*.‘:"‘*r°°“· ?I;?e““‘“$§.i 2;*:.1:**:2;*:..% ·?d-***2, io: ‘ , , ; moi en articles for the Naval lllpedical éinrool and naval dispensary, Wasllié51;on· rent of rooms for naval dmpensaxy, Washington, District of umbna, not to exceed $1,200; naval medical sup ly depots, sick xuarters at Naval Academy and mamma barracks; washing for medical epartment at aval Medical School and naval Washingtoni; nava;€od.1calk8 depots, sick quarireg at glavafl Academy an mann arrac , ensanes a na ‘ gid shigs; and for minor regéihirs on bnlddlngs nfgzhndgthllotlhfe mted tates Navallledncal ool and naval medic sup lyde ts; Dum mm for the care, maintenance and treatment of the insane ol? the Iggvy and Marine Corps on the Pacific coast; for dental outfits and dental material, not tip g<;;eg0g38,000, and all other necemary contingent cxggnisesz an a THINK ol TQIILHDI 4,1 . : T th °‘·“*°"‘· ‘"· in is .o¤.¤$..,?£‘3f.;'3‘$“¢ms° ‘?m,d“ °o $r°l.?r°i°§§."4S‘ii1Z”?;Nm.m“"¤’