Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/928

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sms. III. Ch. 148. 1913. 905 raisedinlike manner, ofanewshi of thesamesizeandlikematerial: ¥’rovid¢d further, That no tpart of thi; sum shall be applied to the repair of any other ship when e estimated cost of such re airs, to be ap- °”*°"¤P•· praised by a competent board of naval omeers shallp exceed twenty per centum of the estimated cost, ap raised in like manner, of a new ship_of the same size and like material) : Provided further, That nothing ,,,§f,,i’{*"' "‘ ‘°""“ herein contained shall de rive the Secretary of the Navy of the authority to order repairs oi)ships‘damaged in foreign waters or on the high seas, so far as may be necessary to bring them home. And the ·,§{'If" *" ”’°“°°° Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized Lo make expenditures from appropriate funds under the various bureaus for repairs and changes on the vessels herein named, in an amount not to exceed the sum specified for each vessel, respectively, as follows: North Dakota, $250,000; Minnesota, $250,000; submarine C-1, $100,000; submarine 0-2, $100,000; submarine 0-3, $100,000· submarine C-4, $100,000; submarine C-5, $10Q,000· submarine l)—1, $100,000; submarine D—2, $100,000; submarine 13-3, $100,000; Hannibal $75,000; Leonidaa, $100,000; Justin, $50,000; Nanshan, $75,000; l’rometheus, to convert to a repair ship, $350,000; in all, $1 950,000, as per letter of the Secrets? of the Navy dated November nineteenth, nineteen . , imama _..¤ twenty; pmazaz fuss", rm the mm to be wr °’·°··*•··=··¤**···· out of this appcrgloipnation, under the direction of the Secretary oiptllie Nam, for clen , drafting, inspection, and messenger service m navy ya , naval stations, and offices of superintending naval constructors, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fourteevr? shall not ezpceed $$58,039. f d W reckmg' on oon: or co ction or p ase 0 a testing an ,, v¤¤°¤¤ wrecking poiitoon for submarines, to be available nmtil expended, $300,000. . Iurnovnmmrwr OF c0Ns·mUcT10N PLANTS! For re airs and im rove- ¤¤v*¤,*•¤¤¤* ·>¤ ment of machinery and implements at plant at liiavy yard, l’orts- °°1·¤ra¤¤¤m,°lfwf°ri. mouth, New Hamtpshirey $10,000. _ _ For repairs an improvement of machinery and implements at ’°•°°¤·¥•¤ plant at navy yard,_Boston, Massachusetts, $20,000. _ _ For repairs and im rovement of machmery and implements at N"' "°"·"·‘· plant at navy yard, NEW York, New York, $20,000. _ For repairs and im rovement of machinery and implements at "'“‘°"P”*· ’“· plant at navy yard, Pliiladelphia, Pennsylvania, $15,000. For repairs and igprovement of machinery and implements at N°"°'*·"•- plant at navy yard,_ orfolk, Virginia, $15,000. _ For repairs and improvement of machinery and unplements at °°·**••‘°¤· 1* °· plant at navy yard, Charleston, South Carolina, $10 000. For repairs and iiniprovement of machinery and implements at ¥•*•¤•¤¤·°•*— plant at navy yard,_ are Island, California, $15,000. _ _ For repairs and improvement of machinery and implements at '°•¤*¤¤¤¤°·'•*'¤ plant at navy yard, Puget Sound, Washington, $10,000. suaaav or- sraau mrommzamo. ¤:g'}.1'§&`}.,'T' °""' Sraam uacrrumnrz For completion, repairing, and prwervation of S"""“"‘““*"”" machinery and boilers of naval vessels including cost of new boilers; distilling, refrigerating, aeroplane auxiliary machinery; preservation of and small repairs_to machmery and boilers in vessels m ordinary, receiving and training vessels; repair and care of machinery of yard tugs and aunches an for pay o classified force under the bureau, $4,125,000. _ _ For purchase, handling, and preservation of all material and stores; ¥•*¤¤*·» ·¤¤ purchase, fittin , repair, and preservation of machinery and tools m navy yards auf stations, and running yard engmes,‘$1,875,000.