Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/966

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 150. 1913. 943 Takoma Park branch, at $480 each; co t $480· class' · cataloguersjone $720, one $600, two each; stetii1‘d2r:;l(:i21i and typewriter, $720; attendants-—six at $540 each, live at $480 each; collator, $480; two messengers, at $480 each; ten ages, at $360 each- two jamtors, at $480 each, one of whom shallp act as night watchman; jamtor of Takoma Park branch, $360; engineer, $1,080; fireman, $720; workman, $600; library guard, $720· `two cloakroom attendants, at $360 each; six charwomen, at $180 eacl1;in all, $42 180; and hereafter the Takoma Park branch shall be kept 0 at least seven hours gr day on the same week days as the me Public L‘*r?`“” °i;."}}r a§"°“.1“’.iiL° "“b“f.;i .1 rary orsu u an 0 r an tem servi , s¤uu¤u¤,ae. disprétgpn of thzhlgbmrian, $l,0·}03;f - P0 cc at tha or eeing _1ra 0 n t-twoS1mda fromtwoo’clock aaaaayqnmg, postmerrdign t0_rune o’lc`l0c£0postm}leridian, tiveyholidays from nine 0’clock antemerrdran to nine o’clock postmeridian, and for extra services three hours on Saturday afternoons during July, August, and Se tember, $1,700. girscmnuxsous, Fam: Pmzuc Lrnaaar, mownmo Taxon ummm Pam: nnaucnz For books, Egiodicals, and newspa rs, including pagrsnentm advance for su riptions to newspapers, su crftion books, and society tppblications, $7,500; Sc msciiirggbbby contract or 0 rwise, mcluding necessary personal For maintenance, fuel, l' hting, iitting u build' lunch-room equipment purchase or exdgange and mainl2)enmcem<§iBAbicycles and motor cycle and other contingent expenses, $8,000. In all, $19,000. Lrnaanr ron rms Bunn: For aid, for one year only, of the Library Library my me for the Blind, located at seventeen hundred and twenty-nine H Street °""°‘ northwest, $5,000. CONTINGENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE. For contingent elzrlpenses of the Govemment of the District of °°"°°"°°°"’°“"" Columbia, namely: or printing, checks, books, law books books of reference, and periodica s, stationery; detection of frauds on_the revenue; siuveying instruments and implements; drawing materials; bindin , rebin ing, repairing, and preservation of records; maintaining and keeping m good or er the laboratory and apparatus in the o ce of the inspector of asphalt and cement; damages; livery, purchase, and care, of horses and carriages or buggres and bicyc es not otherwise provided for- horseshoeing; ice; repairs to pound and vehicles; use of bicycles by inspectors m the engineer department not to exceed $800; and other veneral necessirrrg ewnses of Drstrnct offices, including the sinking-Rmd office, Bo of autres, including an allowance to_ the purchasing officer and to the secretary of Board of Charities of not exceeding $360 each fpcr an.num_for mamtenance of vehicle for use in the discharge 0 their officral duties, excise b0ardiBpersoual·tax board, harbor master, health department, surveyor’s office, superintendent of weights, measures, an markets office, and department of insurance, an purchase of new apparatus and laboratory equipment in office of inspector of asphalt_an cement, $36,000; and the commissioners shall solalpsportron this sum asto prevent a deficiency therein: Provided, t horses and .701110198 mae. appropriated for in this Act shall not be used by the commissioners ,,:‘,‘;,‘f§°“,,_'”°“"’”°' for an other purpose than to visit such points wrthm the District of Columiia as it may be necessary to visit in order to enable them to inspect or inform emselves concerning any public work or property belonging to the said District orto do any other act necessary to the administration of its affairs.