Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/91

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SIXTY-sE00ND conennss Sus. 11. cs. nes. 1912. 1105 The name of Cyrus Harrison, late landsman, United States shi cymnmue. Delaware United States Navy, and pay him a pension at the rate oil thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now _ The_name of James Vanfoesan late of Company C, First Mis- ""“°' v"“’°""‘* smssggpr Marine Brigade Volrmteer lnfantry, and pay him s pension at erateof thirty dollarspermonthmlieu of thatheisnow receiving. The name of Harrison Kilburn, late of Comléany H, Thirty-eighth ¤•"*’°" ‘““"“”· Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and ignal Corps, United States Army, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now . The name of Laura E. R. Hatfield, widow of James T. Hatfield, mi? *- K ¤•* late colonel Sixth Regiment New Jeise Volunteer Infantry, and &ay her a pension at the rate of twenty dohais per month in heu of at she is now The name of en Hart, late of Cwmy G, One hundred and -*“°¤'*•"— eighty-fifth Regiment Ohio Vohmteer antny, and pay him a pension at therate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now recavin . The name oig James F. Mabpn, late of Company H, One hundred '“¤°• l'·"'“’°'*· and forty-ninth Regiment Penne lvaiiia Vo unteer Infantry, an} pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in heu that he is now receiving. The name of William Bodley, late of Comlpany I, One hrmdred "m*“’“ "°‘“°’· and twenty-fifth Regiment Penne lvania Vo unteer and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month m eu of enameo race ac toss essan e nent au ter G°“°“· em _ thelhhe is mwfrawivmgl kens hel 1 d d d d P '* of Alexander Backemwss, late of Coihpany I, Eilglaxlty-third _£gi- mgm toment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay a pension at the rate of twelve dollars Her month. The name of David Bo es, late of Company F, Fourth Regiment Vermont Volrmteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate.of twenty-four dollars month in lieu of that e is now The name of Chas: Carr, late seaman, United States ships °"""°' °‘”· muy, New Ham hire, and Montauk, United States Navy, and pay _' apensipnattferateofthirtydollarspermonthinlieu ofthathe is now receiv?. The name Lewis S. Duncan, late of Comrpfany B, One hundred ‘·°"“ “· ”“¤°*¤- and £fty-fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteer pay him a pension at the_rate of twenty-four dollars per mon in lieu of that he is now receiving. _ - _ »P- The name of Patrick Hannan, late of Company B, Eighty-fourth *"°* *'*¤¤·¤· Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and dpisy him a pension at the rateofthirtydnllars monthinheuof themnowreceivmgx The name of Silasxlggwey, late of Company A, Nmeteendi Reg; ¤“·•D=*'•¥· ment New York Volunteer Cavalry., and gay hun a pension at rate of thirty dollarspermonthin 'eu of thersnowrecen _ . The name of Michael Grigiois, lata of Company E, Twgptygygh wesei sums. Regiment Ohio Volunteer antrigmand 53 hun a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in of lm_m now recavmg. The name d George W. Nobles late of Conépanies Q and D, Second °°¤* "·"°**•· Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Cavalry, an a pension at the rate of dollars month in lieu of that is new The name Edwin Qlobbs, late of Company I, Th1rty-fo _ ¤w¤·¤¤¤¤• Regiment Masaehxsetts Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pemnon attherateoftlirtydollarspermonthixilieiiofthathemnow receivmg. The name of Thome R. Henthorn, late of Company D Forty- ,,,2{'°•' ’~ "•*· mmm! Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and Sixty-