Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1334

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Imviii INDEX. Executive Departments, ctc., D. S.—Gon. P¤s¤· Expenses of the District of Columbia, Page oflicial to be designated in each, to super- commrtteecreated to make rtelport on provise, etc., estimates of appropr1a— 5 pogtrgnate share of, by mted States tions . . 7 an istrict ... . ... 894 paper gf, gy be used liror execiétilpg work 3 8 appropriation for expenses, etc 894 vemment mting ce 2 Expcrtrnents, r dienir rates of subsistence established for on free list, articles solely for, by societies, po emplo ees traveling outside of Dis- etc 161 trict oi, Columbia, etc- . 680 Exploration-of' Dea,. rates of pay of employeesnetc., in, as pro- for-, _ vided for m legislative, etc., Act, to aplpropriation for quota ., 669 constitute compensation therefor Exp oaive Substances, until otherwise xed by law .. 509 on free list, mining, artillery, etc 158 to continue from year to year, as appro- Export Bouritiles, priated for 1049 countervailing duties on imports receivrecords, etc., of gpgporation to be fur- ing, in oreign country . 193 nished Fed Trade Commimion Export Cattle, d wibg-.f..é.ié1L.. .. appropriationf for enforcing humane tre?- e 0 o c , e .. t . ,. 19,1090 restriction on time for furnishing cop{ of Export 1]*;%;, 0 annual reports, etc., to Pu he agreements with foreign nations by the Printer .-.. _ . I ... _ . 680, 886 _President authorized to encourage. . 192 nozziapphcable to Smithsonian Institu- 680 suggest to approval by Congress. ... 192 on ... Expat- , not applicable to _Smithsonian Insti— opiumjogdcaine, etc., unlawful .. 276 tution, Commisioner of Patents, or allowed to countries regulating entry; b _ Compixpgller of the Curcrgpcyi f . 886 restrictions ... . 276 su sistence owance to cias o , k1Ilg· “ bsol tel hib'ted... 277 while traveling outside of District Ezzlgtts (l’I7.d0¥;I%t8? u y Pm I of C0l\1Il1b12·, llmltiéd 318,680 bills of exchange drawn un, may be gcrestricted to actual time of absence 318 cepted by member banks under temporfgy details allowed to White Hou2g5 1007 Ez Fgggygl &e§vg Act _____________ _ _ 254 111 -····. 2 - -_ .···--.-.-.··..--· , ports to t n tam use of appropriations to pay experts to additional duty on, auihorized if seller, maugurate new or _ change old etc., refuse examination as to value . methods of public busuie __,___,,, 335 9]- clgggyjcation of ___________ _ _____ 189 Executive 464 1007 not imposed if oaths provided for in 8 PUB OY ··--·---·-··---···--- r t -·---------·----------·----

   D. C'.,  1$;yaru1ma, 189

appwpsrggpprgi ior cm, etc., groi§§dg33 845 invitationjo, acpepted .. 1127 _ . , , appro nation ore . 1127 2; é¤;;¤¢;aP;umeé&w.. of grounds-- 33:.<é·g,g$ Ezposizigé Iratprjroatgionlzimgzs Fisheries, for independent water supply _ . . . , 35 Erpoc:a};rbn,ciV;)grbu.`iJ'1mat:ii:)ti;»dt0im, xpm; m 778 for extraordinary repairs and l'€i1l1’hlSh· 35 appmpgigijoil for gxpenxs og, to celebrate ···---······~·····-· - --—····---- t NIN mw .·.-.- - ·..-· fol‘ EGINCG 1’00f¤ . . 35 0; Forest ;$·od·ucu, 669 gg; . 4 ... . §, g, appropm:1ti§n fo§_exiiibits at Chicago, Ill., -··---·-···- , ------- . an ew or . 770 gg; l?;§§g¤§:)¤¤¢¤ °fe1;c¥6¤¤d¤¤t· ·· gg. Ezpositio(3rt,u{’artanuf_:-CaZ@[ogmia (see Panama- Eucutiv&)O%ia; tt at txtete;¢t‘ta;s0a, ’ _‘;»’.‘:‘,‘.;m‘.*i»°“,,.*}.2“%,,, ;·,.,,.. ¤pvr¤pri$·¢i¥>ri f¤r Secretary <>f the P¤¤¤i· E$P08'l:¢'I:<>€»§§’$ iilrgeirgsicgigigrgilggsaqgzimc dtint, executive clerk. ·=l¢r5¤é4 1007 Iriternational Exposition). E , -·--—-·-· i ·-··-·~------··--· _ » Exzmitiori, Sixth National Corn, degli; 8·u0W€d {Of $€¤1P0¤¤'Y 9·¤S¤¤fé4 1007 exhibipw f1'0r?"d Departgient of Agriculture to ro, c0ntin_geniit-expei1ses;:::.l;;;Ii: ism E,,,,,,, R,,,,,,,,,° °‘ *““» Tex -··---·--- 23** for_print1ng and .. , 70, 673, 881 gtgmp tax on _____________ _ _______________ 760 deiicregiy ngppmpnauon for contingent 578 Epuuggémézg; for not issuing, etc __________ .,61 E-'¤¢¢V·¢'iW 6),;%. of C'9l'·l”;b'i;¥;""- - on compounds etc containing appropiriatiori {pr Commissioners, secre· alcghol ________ ’ “H5 c er s, etc . . 517 894 sped · ```'```°'`'° ‘`'° for digxiiiiions in pHice-:.._ ... 517:895 Emgggg, muy provided for ````````'````` H7 f¤y_¢ar¤ B¤¤1d1¤s ----·--- 518395 duliy on savormg, containing alcohol 115 ¤P¢¤i¤l i¤¤P<i¤¤d gn progrigwrs of -·-- 751 mgtiiiiii.-.-.-.11;:: ````'``````````````` paymen req or eac tate etc., 752 t t gan ````°` · ``````````````` ¤¤¤·=·;,·¤=·¤q·;g, lem wceumsf rm a“£f;1t’§2, £°;.?ta3'b‘§§‘ir‘2‘??‘}.i°T:i;i;;;i ii?. na»·am · x°°£zw.,.· ’ `````'`'`' 752 3?k’¤s°§E“F“th°“’l °°h°3 b“'k“ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘ 163 . · _ » or ye an tannin t ¤vw==¤¢-=¤¤¢¤pz>1e¤»b1¤¤¤ --».--.·.- nz specauy pmiiied or .. ill`?. ics