Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/483

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464 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 141. 1914. Lew *»¤¤· For urchase of books and for for the law library, under the direction elf, the Chie§1J&uls3tice,£)11(;E):lud1ng payment in advance f ti to `c $3 3 00*ggg¤ *0* S¤1>*¤¤° Olf? purciliaggs of nevyligukg of reierdnce for the Supreme Court, to ` be a part of the Library of Congress, and purchased by the marshal _ of the Supreme Court, under the direction 0 the Chief J ustice, $2,000 ; P°“°°'°"°" For purchase of miscellaneous periodicals and newspapers, mclud— inipngiment in advance for subscriptions to the same, $5,000; ~ $100 000. ¤¤¤¢¢¤s¤¤¢¤¤w¤¤¤. Comixonui nxrmrsns: For miscellaneous and contingent expenses, stationery, supplies, stock and materials dgectly pmcléasidj miscellaneous traveh.nE' expenses t tran?o ation inci en expenses connected wit the a r:§1gi1 of the Library and the Copyright Oiiice, including not exceeding $500 for expenses of attendance at giptings when mcmred on the written authority and direction of the i rarian, $7,300. ~ . m°§,‘g,§{"‘“"‘”‘““d Lmnuzr nmnnme nm eaomms: Superintendent, $5,000; chief ¤¤v¤¤¤¢¤¤¤·¤¢»¤¤¤· clerk, $2,000; clerks-—<;pe 111,600, one;1g,40i0, one $1,000; messengsr; assistant messenger; thep one switc ar operator assistant e- phone switchboard operator· captain of watch, $1,400; lieutenant of watch, $1,000; sixteen watclimen, at $900 each; c , painter, and foreman of laborers, at $900 each; fourteen la , at $540 each; two attendants in ladies’ room, at $480 each; four check boys, at $360 each; mistress of charwomen, $425· assistant mistress of charwomen, $300; fifty-two charwomen; chief $1,500; existant 8D.gIl1l68IS—0D6 $1,200, three at $900 ; electrician, $1,500; machm1sts—cne $1,000, one $900; two wiremen, at $900 each; p§u§;&r, $990; t£1H·e;;l7eZ5.t0r conductors, and ten skilled laborers, a eac ;m , , 5. · sunday cp¤¤i¤z· For extra services of employees and additional employees under the superintendent of the Libraiy Building and grounds to provide for tthe ophening og th; Libragyi from two until ten o’clock pos men anon un ays an oh ays, $2,800. GMM ·¤i»¤•¤¤. For fuel, lights, repairs, miscdllaneous supplies, electric and steam Zgparatus, city directory, stationery, mail and delivery service, and _mc1denta1 expenses connection with the custody, care, and maargtcuafnmpg of said $33 gouuds, including $2,000 for miner re ans o e mam roo , , . F¤r¤¤¢¤r¤»¤w- Ii•`cr furniture, including partitions, screens, shelving, and electrical work pertaimng thereto, $10,000. “°‘°"’° °"‘°”· BOTANIC GARDEN. ,,$_*’§,?f’;§f,f*d°¤’· “· For superintendent, $1,800. For assistants and laborers, under the direction of the Joint Library d im Colmmittee of Congress, $14,519335. Wm M · or procuring manure so` , tools, fuel, purch t , hrubs, pm°m°°¤` plants, and seeds;_ and ,for services, materials, and nliibcéselianeoris supphes, and contmgent_ ezenses m connection with repairs and imlprovements to Botamc ardens, under direction of the Joint Li rary Committee of Congress, $6,500. E"’°"""°· EXECUTIVE.

  • f°“‘d°°*· For compensation of the President of the United St t $75,000.

`“"° "'°°"’°“°- slggréo compensation of the Vice President of the Uiiiiiid States,


· · chief clerk, $4,000; appomtment c erk, $3,500; record clerk, $2,500; two expert stenographers, at $2,500 each: accountant, $2.500; two