Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/532

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 151-154. 1914. 5].3 CHAP. 151.-An Act To increase the limit of cost for the erection and completion my 17i}914· of the United States post-olhce building at Mandan, North Dakota. [Public, N . 137. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tlne United M d NOD I States of America in Congress assembled, That to enable the Secretary Lidnulr talkin. of the Treasury to erect, complete, and furnish the post-oflice building °'°“§§f’· P“"“° *****1*** at Mandan, State of North akota, provided for m existinghlegisla- m€’¤1&°d56. p· 587. tion, the limit of cost heretofore iixe by Congress be, and e same °m°° ‘ is hereblygeincreased in and by the sum of $11,000, and the Secretary of the asury is hereby authorized to enter into contract for the erection and completion of said building Within the limit of cost herein established. Approved, July 17, 1914. CHAP. 152.-An Act To increase the appropriation for the erection of an immi- l§iYI}7i}g5*_] gration station at Baltimore, Maryland. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ¢y’ Representatives of the United 3,,,;,,,,,,,,, m_ States og America in Congress assembled, That section twenty-nine of Limit io! ¤i¤¢ in; the pu lic building Act approved March fourth, nineteen hundred memitium an and thirteen, providing for an immigration station at Baltimore, .,,§'g};,,§’· P· “’· Maryland, is herciligbamended so as to increase the limit of cost from $280,000 to $550, . Approved, July 17, 1914. CHAP. 158.-An ActTo increase the limit of cost for the purchase of a site and the fgvléligfh construction of a public building in Memphis, Tennessee. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Representatives cytthe United um States og America in Congress assembkdf That the provisions of the %i)hi>s?bEc¤¤tb;g1¤5; public uilding Act approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and m€,ene’¤ii1 thirteen, authorizing e acquisition of a site of a new subpost office °’·""»P·8"°· building in Memphis, State of Tennessee, be, and the same is hereby amended so as to change the limit of cost heretofore i·ixod_for said object from $40 000 to a of cost of {90,000 for said site; that any unexpended balance of this appropriation for said site is hereby Appnpracnu. made available for the building; an that the sum of $50,000 IS hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, under said new limit. Approved, July 17, 1914. CHAP. 154.——·AnActToincrease the limit otcostof Federal buildingat Pendleton, iT§1!]£7i;:&·‘ Oregon. ,..,;;..._ [Public, No. 140.] Be·it enactedby theSenateandHm4seo Representativesqftlw United ` States of America in Congress assembZed,fl‘hat to enable the Secretary rpi-i?d%°’£i:°°`1¤. of the Treasury to erect and complete the post-office_ building at °"'§§f’· !’°"“° "““‘*‘ Pendleton, State of Oregon, dprovided for m ezgisting legislation, and mi’¤1- 55. r- 531. to provide therein accommo ations for the United tates courts and mum' court officials and other Government offices, the hmit of cost fore fixed by Congress be, and the same is hereby, increased in and by the sum of $60,000, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to enter into contract for the erection and completion of said building within the limit of cost herein established. Approved, July 17, 1914. 91006°-von 38-Yr 1--33