Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/72

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 3. 1913. 53 aragraph of section thirty-six hundred and forty-eight, Revised Statutes, to the contrary notwithstanding, $7,500. Enforcement of antitrust laws: For the enforcement of antitrust m*§;¤'¤¤='¤8 ¤¤'#*¤‘¤¤* laws, including not exceeding $10,000 for salaries of necess`ary employ- ` ees at the seat of government, $300,000: Pramkied, however, That no prosecuting part of this money shall be spent in the prosecution of any organiza- labor orgpnimsom, tion or individual for entering into any combination or agreement hav- °t°" p“’h’b"“’d‘ ing in view the increasing o wages,`shortening of hours or bettering the conditions of labor, or for any act done in furtherance thereof, not in itself unlawful: Provwkledfurther, That no part of this appropriation ;,2,f.,‘§§'2,{{,‘_““°“' °‘ shall be expended for the prosecution of producers of farm products and associations of farmers who cooperate and organize in an effort to and for the purpose to obtain an maintain a fair and reasonable price for their products. Suits .to set aside convgvances of allotted lands Five Civilized ""° Tribes: For the payment 0 necessary expenses incident to any suits m <g;£*t:_¤ brought at the repuest of the Secretary o the Interior in the eastern judicial district o Oklahoma, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, $35,000 together with the unexpended balance ° of the appropriations heretofore made for this purpose. Emma mu ,0 Enforcement of Acts to regulate commerce: Forexpenses of rep- meymewmmuee. resentiniuthe Government in all matters arising under the Act en- 36,§}$${ P’37°’ v°l° titled ," Act to reigulate commerce/’ approved February fourth, eighteen hundred an eighty-seven, as amended, including traveling expenses, to be expend under the direction of the Attorney General, including salaries of employees at Washington, $10 000. Smmk Suits aifecting title to Seminole allotted lands in Oklahoma: For ¤xp¤¤¤•»xn°¤a•I”°= the payment of necessary expense incident to any suits brought, in- ‘°°""" cluding the salaries of attorneys specially employed to set aside illegl conveyances of Seminole allotments, to protect the possession of minole allottees in their allotted lands, or in the prosecution of any criminal proceedings based on frauds perpetrated upon Seminole allottees with respect to their allotted lands, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, $12,000. F Federal Court Reports and Digests: To pay the publishers of the Wg°{l{§;'p°°;,Q'§;*,R’ Federal Reporter for the estimated continuations for the Escal year commencing July first, nineteen hundred and thirteen, $3 600. IA , cw For iii teen copies of volume fifty-seven of the Lawyers’ Cooperative uv. E§§"t,,, ""’ Edition, Reports of the Supreme Court of the United States, $90. :°‘°”’° *1% un M To pa the publishers of the decisions of the Supreme Court for two ,.,,§'§'°"’° hundred and seventy-four copies of volumes two hundred and twenty- P°'°'**••°‘· ‘ eight to two hundred and thirty-one, inclusive, official edition, at $1.75 per volume, $1,890. A t Rm For defraying the necessary expenses incurred and to be incurred Emmy for stenogmphic serviceszagrinting, and expert assistance for the 'gjf,;,,}’¥ “·“P’°m° Supreme ourt of the Uni States in revising the Admiralty Rules, $1,200, to be disbursed by the marshal of the Sufpreme Court of the United States on the order of the Chief Justice o the United States, notwithstanding section seventeen hundred and sixty-five of the R‘S"’°°‘"°°·"°“‘ Revised Statutes, or section three of the Act of June twentieth, v°1‘ 18* *"1°°‘ eigéiteen hundred and seventy-four. rotecting interests of the United States in suits affecting Pacific railroads: To enable the Attorney General to represent and protect the interests of the United States in matters and suits affecting the Pacific raih·oads, and for expenses in connection therewith, $50,000. 0 mm Som"! Opinions and briefs of Solicitor of Treasury: To enable the Attorney ot rpreeuaf. General to employ at his discretion, and irrespective of thszprovisions §'f§fj§,c_‘}%§ of sections seventeen hundred and sixty-five of the Rev' Statutes V¤¤· 18.1>· 109- or other law, such competent n or persons as will, in his judgment, best perform the service to ewllbslsdd prepare for publication and super-