Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/517

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1734 RADIOTELEGRAPHIC CONVENTION. J Um 5, 1912. radiograms, the text of which shall not exceed 20 words, shall_ be transmitted to ships upon request. The rate for such meteorological radio ams shall be carried to the account of the ships to which they are _ _ S’**P"°“'° °°"”‘°°· 2. Meteorological observations made by certain vessels designated for this purpose by. the country to whic they are subject may be transmitted once a day as paid service notices, to the coastal stations authorized to receive the same by the manelgements concerned, who shall likewise designate the meteorologic offices to which such observations shall be addressed by the coastal stations. _ _§°¤¤5¤¤¤¤,¤* **¤·°· 3. Time signals and meteorological radiograms shall be transmitted " one after the other in such a way that the total t1me occupied in their transmission shall not exceed ten mmutes. As a general rule, al1 radio stations whose transmissions might interfere yvith the reception of such signals and radiograms, shall remain silent during their transmission in order that all stations desiring it may be able to receive the same. Exception shall be made m cases of distress calls and of state telegrams. °""°‘"‘°‘“’°"“““°“‘ 4. The managements of the radio service shall give to agencies of maritime information such data losses and casualties at sea or other information of gene interest to navigation, as the coastal stations may properly report. ~ m°°°n“'°°‘* · . - 14, MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. ARTICLE XLVI.

l§,*§"“' The exchange of correspondence between shipboard stations shQ

be carried on m such a manner as not to mterfere with the service of the coastal stations, the latter, as a general rule, being accorded the right of priority for the public service. Aaucrn XLVII. R°**•¤¤’¤¤¤· Coastal stations and stations on shipboard shall not be bound to gl:-rticipate in the retransmission of r except in cases where ` act communication cannot be estab ° ed between the stations of origitp and destination. e number of suchretransmissions shall, however, be limited to two. In the case of radiograms intended for the coast, retransmission shall take place only for the purpose of reaching the nearest coastal s tion. Retransmission shall in every case be subject to the condition that the intermediate station whic receives the radiogram in transit is m a position to forward it. Anrxcnn XLVIII. , ,,§,§§,1§,§’c2,‘{,,§“Q°;,‘f,'§,’Z If the route of a radiogram is partly over telegraph lines, or through °'*°¤· radio stations subject to a non-contracting Government, such radiogranrs may be transmitted provided the management of the radio service to which such lines or stations are sub'ect have declared that, if the occasion should arise, they will comply with such provisions of the Convention and of the Regulations as are indispensible to the regular transmission of radiograms and that the pa ent of charges is insured. Such declaration shall be made to tbl? Interrgitional Bureau and communicated to the offices of the Telegraph mon.