Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/544

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EXTRADITION TREATY—-PARAGUAY. Maxon 26, 1913. 1761 srrrrcnm XH ARTICULO XII If when a person accused shall Cuando una persona acusada v,$%°*"‘°'{°'°*P¤*> have been arrested in virtue of haya side arrestada. en virtud del mm` the mandate or preliminary war- mandamiento de arresto prevenrant of arrest, issued by the com- tivo, expedido por la autoridad petent authority as provided in competente, segfm establece el Artrcle XI hereof and been Articulo XI de este tratado, y ·*”“·1**"°°· brought before a judge or magis- haya side llevada ante el Juez 6 trate to the end that the evidence magistrado, a En de que la prueba of his or her guilt may be heard de su culpabilidad sea oida y exand exarnmed as herembefore pro- aminada como se establece en este vided, it shall appear that the Tratado, y resultare que el manmaudate or prelimmary warrant damiento ha side exépcdido en of arrest has been issued in pur- virtud de un pedido 6 eclaracion suance of a request or declaration recibido per telégrafo del Gobireceived by telegraph from the emo que solicita la extradicién, Government asking or the extra- sera del arbitrio del Juez 6 magidition, it shall be competent for strado detener al acusado (por im the judge or magistrate at his dis- periodo que no exceda e dos cretron to hold the accused for a mescs, de modo que el Gobierno period not exceeding two months, solicitante pueda presenter al so that the demanding Govern- Juez 6 maggstrado la prueba legal ment may have o portunity to de la culpa ilidad del acusado; y, lay before such judge or magis— si al veneer dicho qeriodo de d0s· trate legal evidence of the guilt of meses esta prueba egal no fuese the accused and if at the expire- Eresentada al Juez 6 %strado, ,,,§°‘,;§,’,$’,§,_§’,,"§,,‘,§§f"• tion of said period of two months, persona arrestada puesta ’ such legal evidence shall not have en 'bertad, con tal que el examen been produced before such judge de los cargos hechos contra dicha or magistrate, the person arrested persona acusada no esté adn shall e released, provided that pendiente. the examination of the charges preferredagainstsuchaccusedperson shall not be actually going on. narrow XIII Anrroum XIII In every case of a reguest made En todos los casos de demandas L¤e¤¤¤s¤¢•¤·=•· by either of the two ontracting hechas por una ii otra de las Par- Parties for the arrest, detention or tes Oontratantes para el arresto, extradition of fugitive criminals, detencrén 6 extradicrén de reos the legal officers or fiscal préfugos, los o’dc1ales(jud1c1ales 6 of the country where the proc - el Miuisterio Fxscal el pa1s en ings of extradition are had, shall quese efectfien los procedimientos assist the officers of the Govern- e extrad1c16n, ayudaré.n §._ los ment demanding the extradition oficiales del Gobrerno que sohcita before the respective liud es and ante los respectivos Jueces y mamagigrates, by every egal means trades, por todos los medios wit ° their or its power; and no gales a su alcance; y no_se hara ¤¤mp¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- claim whatever for compensation absolutamente reclamac16n de for any of the services so rendered niniguna clase por remuneracrén shall be made against the Govern- de os serv1c1os_prestados al Gobrment demanding the extradition, emo que selicita la extrad1c16n; provided, however, that an oiii- sin embargo, S1 oiicral 6 los cer or officers of the surrendering oficrales del Gobrerno requerrdo Government so giving assistance, son de aquellos que eobran honowho shall, in the usual course of rarios por los servicros que_ pretheir duty, receive no salary or stan, tendran derechoarecibir del compensation other than specific Gobierno que solicita la extradifees for services performed, shall ci6n los honoranos acostumbrados