1762 EXTRADITION TREATY—PAR.AGUAY. Maron 26, 1913. be entitled to receive from the por los actos 6 servicios prestados Government demanding the ex- por ellos, de la misma manera, y tradition the customary fees for en la misma cantidad que_sihub1- the acts or services performed by eran prestado est0s servicios en them, in the same manner and to los procedimientos crxmmales the same amount as though such ordinarios bajo las leyes del pais acts or services had_ been per- en que desempenan sus funciones. formed in ordinary crnmmal proceedings under the laws of the country of which they are officers. urricnm XIV ABTICULO XIV MM This Convention shall take Este Tratado empezara a regir effect from the day of the ex- desde el dia del cargo de las ratichangeof the ratiiications thereof; ficaciones; pero, cu quiera de las but either Contracting Party may Partes Contratantes puede poat any time terminate the same nerle término, notiiicando la ontgivingttag the ozlher gnonths otga con seis meses de anticipanoiceo 1 mten on oso. c1n. Fd=•=?»=• of ¤·**¤· The ratifications of the resent Las ratiiicaciones del presente treaty shall be exchangedp in the Tratado seran canjeadas en la city of Asuncién as soon as pos- ciudad de la Asuncion tan pronto sib e. · como sea posible. S*¢¤•*¤¤¤· In witness whereof, the respec- En fé de lo cua.1 los respectivos tivePlenip0tentiarieshavesig1ed Plenipotenciarios los firmaron y this treaty and haveafiixed t re- sellaron con sus res tivos sellos. to their respective seals pw Done at Asuncion this twenty Hecho por duplicado en la sixth dg of March, in the year of Asuncién, el dia veinte y seis de gd Lo d olnic; thousand nine hun- Marzo de mil novecientos trece. an t teen. Nrconar A. Gnmvsran [sun.] Eusnmo Arma. [sun.] .,§,$§,T°°"°““ °" And whereas the said Treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and the rahficatioms of the two governments were exchanged m the City of Asuncxoxk pu the seventeenth day of January, one thousand mne undred an ourteen; P”°°“""°°°“ Now therefore, be it known that I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Treatiy to be made public, to the end that the same and every article an clause gléeieo mayb be oggserveiihandffulfilled with good faith by the United a es an e ci mens ereo . 86:111 tgezgimtorny l hsgegiigngacniinto set my hand and caused the o e m to e . Done at the City of Washmgto' n thb twenty-f urth d f J in the year of our Lord one thousadld nineallulhdrzdllualnllllir [sean.] fourteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty eighth. W W By the President: OODBOW MON W. J. Bama Smaery of Sm.