Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1078

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1058 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cue. 161, 162. 1917. Pr ‘ · f Chin $9,000: Provided That no more than 50 cents per day for L£g:"°°°°°` thle keeping and feeding of dach Erisoner while actually confined shall be allowed or paid for any such eeping and feeding. This is not to `be understood as covering cost of medical attendance and medicines when required by such prisoners; _

’*`¤*“¥~ Rent of prison for American convicts m Smyrna, Turkey, and for

w es of keepers of the same, $1,000; _ _ gent of prison for American convicts m Constantinople, Turkey, and for wages of keepers of the same, $1,000; Total, $16,000. nnmnr Aim rnorrncrron or mnmom snamm. w °* -*¤”‘°°¤ Relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, and in the Panama Canal Zone, and shipwrecked American seamen in the Territory of Alaska, in the Hawanan Islands, Porto Rico, and the Philippine Islands, $40,000. roamciw HOSPITAL AT cam TOWN. c_F¤!,,*g¤wn§°=P***‘· Annual contribution toward the support of the Somerset Hospital W (a foreign hospital), at Cape Town, $50, to be paid b the Secretary of State upon the assurance that suffering seamen and, citizens of the United States will be admitted to the privileges of said hospital. c0N*rmomN•r nxrnnsns, Uurmn srarms coxsumvrns. _Q¤§;=“g¤¢¤*P¤*» Expenses of providing all such stationery, blanks, record and other books, seals, presses flaigs, Signs, rent (so much as ma be necessary), repairs to consular owned by the United States, postage, furniture, including gypewriters and exchange of same, statistics, newspapers, freight ( orengn and domestic) telegrams, advertising, messenger service, traveling eépiennses of consular officers and consider assistants, compensation of cse writers, loss by excha e, and such other miscellaneous expenses as the President ma thiiilkg necessary for the several consulates and consular encies in the transaction of their business, and (payment in advancefol subscriptions for newsp3p§;smgé>r?§g5§)r5<g- omestnc) under this appropriation is hereby AGQUrsrr10N or LEGATION Pamnsns AT SAN Josm, costa mea. I,,,,“"“.-,,,,,’°“°·°‘*€‘“T"‘”· For the pnuchase of grounds and b ‘ldi t S J C t R' , mmm and for such alteration, repair, and aI:fditibg1?a!lfu1?·nd1ish(is€, ofozhse salgie as mag be necessaryfor the use of the levation to Costsiica, both as a residence of the minister and for the okce of the lcgaticn, $40,000. SEAMENJS urssros AT mo nn Jarmmo, nnazm.

..‘i§2`?§ §Z§§§‘}.’Fi$°ms” H2? "‘° ““""°’“ °‘ ""° "°““‘°”'” "‘““°*°“

Approved, March 3, 1917. - UH-¤’·162·—A¤ Act M¤ki¤a¤ s for me service i ais rea once lT’¤¤¤¤. Nv- ml kmggrfgr the fiscal year ending June thinierb, nineteen hundred and eighteen. , Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R the Uniiéd Fizz- Siam of Am¢¤¥¤ in Ovvqwss {Assembled, That the followigg sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated for the service of the Post Office