Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1354

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oxxxu _ INDEX. National Defense Act—C0ntinued. Page. National Dgensa riot-—G_ontinned. _ Pwenlisted men; final discharge only at ex- Reserve ihcers Training 003;;; details piration of full period . 187 of Army officers and e wd men account closed on entering Reserve. - 187 fo1' 1¤¤t1’¤<3t1<1¤, etc ---· - ; -···-··-·- 192 discharge permitted for support of de- 9qU-lPm€Pl§» arms, €t9·» to be Issued W- · — {92 ¤¤···*¢··**=··¤=“Y ·----—------·------ *87 g,§?£.§’{L“i;‘§°%%?§%p%’§%i; ‘3§—1.;.;;B¢ 93 byRg;rr$,l;aS€’ unless furloughcd to 187 Reserve éorps; conditions. . - 193 Regular my R¤¤¤¤’¤; ·‘=¤1i¤*¤<* men ¢<>¤· $“*1Y1i1Z$»"GS$’$Set€T1`"nI};l?°§$i¤§£`Z$`i¤1 193 prising; classes °’'‘‘``‘' 187 xg; course ________________,_,_ , _,,, 193 ¤¤¤iz¤¤¤¤¤¤ t° duty with Army ········· 187 subsistence for two years to students separate organizations authorized .. 187 agreeing to complete uxuitary come, vffiws to be assigned to . 187 em _______________________________ 193 period of field training, etc .. 187 eligibility of prior grgdugfgg of military active service in case of war ... 187 schools, etc., for Officers’ Reserve enlistments in Army at outbreak of war Corps, etc": . .. _ . . - 193 to continue for one year ... 187 temporary appointment as second lieuagmua] payments to ..__,_,,,... 188 t€·I]H.I1lZS for A1'my duty and t1’8.1l11I1g. 194 pay, etc., in time of war . . .. 188 no retirement pay, etc_. . ._ . 194 additional for reenlisting; allowance subject to active duty in t1me of war 194 when reporting ... . ... _ 188 roster of persons qualified for service as no retired pay, etc.; pension for disa- officers, to be prepared  ; 194 bility in active service . 188 training camps for cmgens to be established 194 use of other departments for Reserve 88 maintenance, supplies, instruction, etc. - organizations ,,,,.,... . ... 1 sa es to persons receiving instruction bounty to honorably discharged soldiers course of instruction .. . . : . 195 reenlistini in time of war. . lg Enlisted Reserw¥e Corps authorized; com- 195 com utation o . ... 1 position 0 · -.-·- eulistegl men prohibited leaving post for certificates to be issued; qualifications competitive civil employment. . . . . 188 for enlistment . _ ... _ . 1 95 sergeants o line and staff authorized, to be preference when in active service . . 195 detailed for National Guard duty . . 189 distinctive rosette to be issued to .. 195 additional to regnglar number .. . . . . 189 punishment for unauthorized use of Oilicers’ Reserve rps; organization of-. . 189 ... 195 use of members for service, restricted . . 189 active service for instruction; extension appointments to, by President alone; of period .. 195 proportion limited . ... 189 pay, etc.; no retirement, etc . . - . 196 persoixsgugertzified under present law 189 umfeiyrm, etcé, to be issued to; to remain 196 e e .. . ... nited tates ro rt .. . . . commissions to colonels and lieutenant exchange of ungervpizegble clothing; col0ne1s;office to cease when vacated 189 return on discharge .. . . 196 age limitations; honorable discharge on duty, subject to Army regulatiom 196 when limit reached ~. . - 189 discharges for cause 196 not zliglicable to staff apncglntments . . 190 penalty for noncompliance with orders. . 196 M°d¤¤ °¤9¥V6 C01'P¤ *110 ed; d1¤P0· service in Army in time of war . 196 sitiou of members . . 190 status, pay, etc .. . . . . 196 use of lieutenants of medical section; service in volunteers ... . .. 196 pay and allowances ..,,.,, , ,,_,,__ 190 status, pay, etc .,,,,..., , ..,..,,, 197 comniimons for five years; recommis— no vested right as volunteer . . 197 5l0DS..: . . . ._ ... 190 military instruction; equi ment, instrucrank in various sections .,. - 190 · tors, etc., to be gunished other temporary duty withArmyintimeof war, 190 schools, etc. , for ..,..., 197 rank, pay, etc . . 190 details from Army for . 197 110 _1‘3¤k among themselves; pr0m0· National Guard provisions ... . 197 _ 1111111-S. etc . 190 militia defined; classes . 197 retirement, etc., restrictions ... . . - . 190 composition of National Guard . 197 ¤ub]ect_ to Arrny regulations when in persons exempt from service . , .. 1 97 ¤·¤¤VG SGTVICG ·... . 191 religious scruples, etc . ... 197 annual duty with troops for instruction, unit organizations; maintenance . . . - 197 H20- ; - - -·~- ·-·-~·.-··--·----- otheril Stat; troops forbidden ... - - 198 1151011 H ----~· ts 0 in time of e; `ce use of officers nin Volunteers . . . . 191 nite _,,_ ______,__ _ _ ,,,. 198 Am? °m°°¤ ml? be ¤PP01-¤¥/Gd in Vol- number required; Congressional basis. . . 198 duty“i*:1t°;*(;l1•:£;>1¥:dtba- · ·i ·~·-· ; ---·-- grae for enlisting .. 198 ¤ _ _ $8 0¤89V1 Y --·-- organizations b State wit one Reservg  ; created in 191 It€p;e¤eum;;ve__ ________________ 198

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¤¤¤1¤;d1vq¤1¤p; gum division 191 mm1¤- .g,.,‘if,.,?lT??.I.?.g .. ti if? 198 Use 0 umm m tate Institutions; con- ` ggajn cing jug g@u]°zgditi¤¤¤· ---------·--------··-- 191 . . 198 ¤*=1;§m1h¤~¤ Bmw i¤¤¤¢¤¤i¤¤¤; cmu- 191 mms in Nmoilin e{a§&ZIf Z I . Z . I I . . . {gg

 *•··· :·: ······· . ······-····-· -- ISI;} tofhigherunits. .
   requuementa ·-·—~·-- 192 div¤si<l;se?br° es etc, authorized . 198

°h8ib1-lit? 1¤¤1'·¤¤<>¤¤ -···- - -····---- 192 command iggtnte units . . . 199