Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/32

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 28-31. 1916. 11 CHAP. 28.—Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War to loan, issue, or Fvbmary 1}, 1916- use quartledrmasetpqgs said suplplies for rteligf pg; destitute persons 111 the dis- [ [HI; L R°*· M6-] tI’.I.CtB OVG OW y 8 lppl 1V€1` 3.11 1 I']. `ll 185. Pu . Res., N0. 9.] Resolved by the Senate and House gg R%>1resentatives of the United _ _ _ _ States of America in Congress assemb d, at the Secretary of War H,§d‘§“S‘PP‘ Ri"' be, and he is hereby, authorized, in his discretion, to loan, issue, or ,0g»¤¤¤;_e<;f tyntgketct use such tents, provisions, and supplies pertaining to the Quarter- mm?] ° S mm master' s and Medical Departments of the Army from any stores now on hand, as he may deem necessary for the temporary relief of destitute persons m ·need of the saine_m the districts overilowed by the recent iioods of the Mississippi River and 1ts tributaries under such regulations for the care an return of articles not consumed in the use as he may deem necessary. Approved, February 15, 1916. CHAP. 29.-An Act To authorize the Land Company to construct a bridge Few giiiglim across the Grand Calumet River in the State o Indiana. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Representatives 0 the United States of America in Congress assembled]; That the Garylland Com- m€,‘Q,"T‘d °°'“"‘°° palpy, ir) corp<i1ratio:1 organized under the laws og the State eg Iirgdianaa mf;*{r1;g;¤°dQ1·;mm{ rs ere authoriz to construct maintain an operate a ri e an County,Ind. approaches thereto across the Greind Calumdt River at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, in the northwest quarter of the northwest qpalrlter of sgctron fonglr, towglship thiri£i—sig north, range eight west o the secon princip meri `an in L e ounty in the State of Indiana, in accordance with the_provisions of an, Act entitled $°,,T§‘§li'§§E "An Act to regulate the constructron of bridgles over navigable waters," aggxroved March twenty-third, nineteen undred and six. Sec. 2. at the right to a ter, amend, or repeal this Act is *1*-‘*”d”’°°*· expressly reserved. · Approved, February 17, 1916. CHAP. 30.———.l0i.ut Resolution To appoint Alexander Graham Bell a member of Flglllllgeilvlilal the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Resolved Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Corxess assembled, That the vacancy in the Board m§$L“*=*°¤***¤ 1*15** of Regents of the Smi onian Institution of the class "other than A1m¤da·_ enum Members of Congress " shall be filled by the appointment of Alexander ?g‘§{{_ '°“*’*’°‘““d "* Graham Bell, a citizen of the District of Co umbia. Approved, February 21,, 1916. CHAP. 31.-—An Act For the coinage of a McKin1§g* souvenir gold dollar, in com- Fa [H. Igiilmwl gerntgagiggcngf the erection of a memorial to William cKinley, late President of the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ejthe Magma, $0,,,.,,,,, States of in Congress assembled, That for the purpose of ending d"§§’mg° O, Bumm H1 defraying the cpst_of completingvin a suitable manner the work 0 im, ’ iaarazting admemznall in thteegitg of ilps, Ohio, tothWig§am McK1plte¥y, i ent o the Uni tates o America, e cret o e Treasury shall be and is hereby authorized to purchase inmie market so much goldibullion as may be necessary for the purpose herein Krovided for from which there shall be coined at the United States t, Philadelphia, standard gold dollars of the legal weight and Enemess, to the number of not exceeding one hundred thousand pieces,