Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/54

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 37. 1916. A 33 CLAIMS ALLowE1:• BY THE AUnrToR Fon THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. For relunding me auagauy coueceed, $28,400.30. AS521*.:;S,:P°;':.i,,.2; For payment of judgments against internal-revenue officers, Department. $2 985.95. l<`or pay of crews, miscellaneous expenses, and so forth, Life- Saving Service, $17.77. For Life-Saving Service, $600. CLAIMS ALLowEn BY THE AUnrroR ron THE WAR DEPARTMENT. For pay and so forth of the Army $5,412.54. °"““;“ ““°“'°d by For extra-duty pay to enlisted meri as clerks at Army division and deiljégetior Wm Dei de artment headquarters, $369.60. lior milealge to officers and contract surgeons, $28.10. 4 For regu ar supplies, Quartermastefs Department, $81.88. For incidental expenses, Quartermastefs Departfnent, $5,592.65. For barracks and quarters, $44.40. _ For transportation of the Army and its supplies, $69.15. For headstones for graves of soldiers, $1.66. · For raising four additional regiments, $46.35. = .- . CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOE mn T1m"NAvY DEPARTMENT. For pay of the Navy, $757 A » · _,gd"}{’§;“,0‘}",°§‘§$‘} $2 For pay, miscellaneous, $127 .12. ¤¤¤¤¤•=¤*- For pay, Marine_Corps, $66.60. _ For transportation Bureau of Navigation, $536.09. For maintenance, Bureau of Yards and Docks, $65.20. For freight, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $4. _ For construction and re air, Bureau of Construction and Repair, $204 P cr.Ar1»rs ALLowEn BY THE AUDITOR Fon THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. For urchase and transportation of Indian supplies nineteen iC*§“¤’ •“°'°** W hundred) and fifteen, $969.96. i $§ii$ii¤•iii mimi For (purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, nineteen hundre and fourteen, $80.73. _ For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, 70_cents. For ndian school, Fort Bidwell, California, repairs and improvements, nineteen hundred and fifteen, $15.36. For Army pensions, 10 cents. CLAIMS ALLOwEn BY THE Aunrroia Fon THE sTATn AND ornmz DEPARTMENTS. For contingent expenses, Executive Office, nineteen hundred _,,,‘,“,,,‘?§‘,}},’,,,}‘l’g5‘,§,'{’,,‘f,,lgj and fourteen, 88 cents. _ D°`;>$*"3g°¤°=éu6 For salaries of vice consuls (Act of February fifth, nineteen hun- ’p' ' dred and fifteen), nin·eteen hundred and fitteen, $79.17. For allowance for clerks at consulates, $80. _ For relief and protection of American seamen, nineteen hundred and fifteen, $594.96. For contingent expenses, Department of Commerce and Labor, $7 .84. · For expenses of regulating immigration $144.25. For fees of commissioners, United States courts, nineteen hundred and fifteen, $82.20. For fees of jurors, United States courts, $51. For support of prisoners, United States courts, $1.30. Approved, February 28, 1916. 91890°—vor. 39-·1»r 1-3