Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/609

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588 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 417. 1916. medi rs to crm the duties re uired in time of war, except ?`°”!*°' °m°°” ‘°d that i:d1rrii§·0c‘iHice1sPs(in1dfd midshipmen of the Navy, who shall have left mdsmpmm umpm the service under honorable conditions and who shall have enrolled in the Naval Reserve Force, may appointed in the grade and rank last held by lthem witholugzdexammation other than the physical examination a ove rescri . §g*¤*¤¤*uP°Y-t The retainer poy dl all members of the Naval Reserve Eoroe, except ` the Volunteer aval Reserve,‘wh1le enrolled m a provisional rank or rati , and until such time as they shall have been m ‘ such rdii: or rating, shall be $12 per annum. Thereafter, the retamer . pa shall be that prescribed for members m the various classes. ·*°“”°•*' *° ”“"° Retainer pay shall be in addition to any pay to which a member w` ma be entitled by reason of active service. °°§d***°¤¤ °' P°Y· Ilretainer pay shall only be aid to members of the Naval Reserve mm Force upon their makingwsucli reports concerning their movements and occupations as may required by the Secretary of the Navy. §,;;°“Q,¥',‘?§',,'“°,,l,¥,; ,t,,_, Members of the Naval Reserve Force who reenroll for a term of mr. four years within four months from the date of the termination of their last term of enrollment, and who shall have performed the minimum amount of active service required during the preceding Bmw term of eprollmentg shall, for each fsuolh rqenrollment, receive;) an ‘ ,, , increaseotwent-ve centumo te1r aseretainer a: ro-

    • 1::;;::; t tm vided, That enrolgd memrslers who shall have completed tweliityy years

of service in the Naval Reserve Force, and who sgall have performed the minimum amount of active service required in their class for maintaining efficiency during each term of enrollment, shall, upon C h mlm their own application, be retired with the rank or ratin held by ,,1 ,§_ “"‘°“"’ them at the time, and shall receive in lieu of any y, a cash gratuity equtglto theutroial amountof theirmtainerpay diiringthe last term _ o eir enro nt. p,,’;f"""°° °' '°°""‘°' Retainer {pay shall be_ paid annually or at shorter intervals, as the Secretary o the Navy, in his discretion, may direct. ,h§’,,"‘§,',1§‘}}l°,,g'§',*l,$_° No existing law shall be construed to prevent any member of the Naval Reserve Force from accepting employment in any branch of the public service, except as an officer or enlisted man in any branch of the military service of the United States or any State thereof, nor from receiving tho pay and allowances incident to such employ- Nmm_mpp,mb,_ ment in addition to his retainer payi · w¤•¤i¤mn·•¤¤·vx·». Enrolled members of the Naval eserve Force shall be subject to the laws, regulations, and orders for the vemment of the Regular Navy only uring such time as they ma ity law be required to serve in the Navy, in accordance with their obhgations, and when on active service at_ their own request as herein rovided, and when em oyed Bam or mm M in authorized travel to and from sucli) active service in the Navy. ams. ’ Members of the Naval Remrve Force shall be issued a distinctive m{’,*jgj,*{,*;dm°ugg_'°* ¤¤· badg; or button which may be worn with civilian dress, and whoever, not ing a member of the Naval Reserve Force of the United States and not entitled under the law to wear the same, willfully wears or uses the badge or button or who uses or wears the same to obtain aid or assistance thereby, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $20 or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days or by both such fine and imprisonment. s,,§;§;_"”·· ‘°' “’“"° All members of the Naval Reserve Force shall, when actively employed asset forth m this Act, be entitled to the same ay allowgpqaioé glraagstgsrhagd othepemglnpnerpts as officers and exilisted men er _ on ac ive _ u y o corresponding rank or ratin ‘*'°"‘ “““'· and of the same length of service. When not actively employed ge Ngivygruiembors of 1;hetNaval Reserve Force shall not be entitled an pa , oimy in ,or nsionexceptasexpressl rovide Snmmummwv for members of the hgiial Rhserv§cForce by thia provisions df Actll ac. ’ Enrolled members of the Naval Reserve Force may, in time of war or national emergency, be required to perform active service in the