Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/969

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2130 INDEX. Shejield, B. D., Pace- Sherrard, George WZ, Pmexchange of lands with Jackson Lake Irri- pension increased . . .. 1569 gation Pro]ect,_Wyo. .. 11w5 Shetrorre, Ijniestirne WZ (undow), Shejield, Narwtte W. (widow), pension increased ... . 1444 P€¤¤1<>¤ ··-- - ····-·-····. . .. 1589 Shewmgm, James P. (son), Shefter, George H., pension . . 1241 Shlggglelrrrlr 1gC1'€88€d . ... 1246 Shwk, John D., y, ._ Z, _ _ _ ensi ni reased . . .. 1419 apgropnauon for public building 268 S}:klds,0ClaI1ii:nda (widow), de crency approprratmn for public bui1d· pension increased . ... 1229 Shdbyvililggrréi .,.. 19 Shiloh National Park, Term., h » , aroriti f ct' tabl'- apbpropriation for public building .., , 268 , pP pmZn|? ci . . . W . . 288 She ymlle, Ky., Shme, Myra (widow), appropriation for ubljc build` . ... 268 nsion 1428 E , P, . mg P6 de ciency appropriation for public build- Shinneoogk Bay, N. K, H1? -·-------·· . 19 prehmmary examination, etc., of, to be Sheldon, A bert P., made . 406 pension increased 1511 Ship Brokers, Sheldon, Iowa, special tax imposed on ... 791 condemned cannon to, for Sons Shep Island Pass Miss., Shauna g;j\h!;1G';1'1C8l1 Revolution .. 832, 839 Shaippgopriation f tenance ... . 397 3 26 6 1 pv • ay $1 P€¤¤!¤¤ 1¤¢!‘€8S6d -·. . 1556 a propriation for payment for .. 421, 1066 Shell, 4baalam, "Sh;,ppera’ Weight, oad and Count," Sh1;•§¤./:,1]:111 mCT€889d -- . . 1341 Shi?. rlity, etc., for, on bills of lading. .. 542 ’ . . . , _ _ pprngv · _ , _ ¤ppro fortcmvestagatang, packmgéa 1152 with Russia as to exportation of ‘Shepard,Lew·is, 5,. ’ clgmm bg;q§q•¤d·"m··gd¤¤'·`·--h-vg;-`•-lg peneion increased -, . 1338 _ £r¤ight from any citizen. . . 738 Shepherd, Arma J. (widow), clearances, etc., in time of a war, may be penelon . .. . 1367 refused vessels which under laws of Shepherd, Elmer P., belligerents make unequal preferpensron increased . . .. 1241 ences in American traiiic, etc . . 799 Shepherd, George N., clearances may be denied vessels of belpension increased 1519 ligrerent countries, denying equal fa- Shepherd, Henry C., ci ities to neutral American traffic. . 800 pension increased ..., 1547 facilities of trade, etc., may be refused ves- Shepherd, John 62 Els of foriign belligerents, denied by 800 pension more . . .. 14 em to mericans .. . .. Shepherd, Thomas A., life buoyxlrgqgirements on steam vessels 224 pension increased 1421 m i e ... Sheplar, Peter, proclamation forbidding transfer of Ameripension increased .,.. 1481 can vessels to foreign ownership 1914 Sheppard, lerael, vessels owned by Filipinos exempt from pension increased 1546 tonnage and light dues . 286 Sheppard, Wilhkzm H. H., Shipping Aol 1916, Shpensionlfincreafied. .,..,,, , ,,._,..,,,, 1546 moanirrg oi terms Psed; "common carrier 28 equm, ames ., _ y water in oreign commcrcc" . 7 pension increased ... . 1538 ocean tramps excepted ... . 728 Sherrklan County, Mont., "common carrier by water in interstate bridge authorized acres Missouri River, commerce " ... Z ... 728 Sh k MI?chl§n¢r to .. 14, 121, 510 "otber persons subject to this Act" . er , a isa . ow "persons” . . ... pension . I ,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,, 1291 citinenship requirements. , ... . 729 Sherlock, George G., · receivers and trustees sub]ect to ... 729 Shponsion ..,._ , ..,,..,.., 1536 United States Shigping Board crested erman ert ., a pointment· 0 cers· tenure .. ShpensiobCincreasra)d . . .,., , .._.,,,,,_,,_ 1434 qgalitgcationri; restridtion on other em- 729 erman. nty, reg., p o ment ... . .. "“’“°§§O.E’§·€§;°‘§‘2?.€£ °°"‘“i“ ‘“"’“°"°°" me §§S?‘L“5§.‘.'§..“§,ZO`2i‘a“§}§“‘ °‘° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ $223 Sherman Irwtilute, Riverehib, Grill,. D · · - U i _ · · . salaries of officers and smpxsyése. ._ . 729 S appropriation forplrrdian srrhool 132, 975 detarls from ftrrny rind gleaivy gnrrlthonzed. 729 n, Margaret . , employees m c assi C1 service; pension increased 1245 exceptgons ... . géé . . . . . . e thex nses· ren ; mm ng- S";;’;‘,f§i;;,·{;§,@;,,, __ ______ ,,,5 £3ll.'i‘..£€3 to Ein seem, ms,. .- 730 S, S l D ` ` - ` · · --·` · preference to American shipyards ____ 730 yr, jrmue ed-. . 1482 may umhsse, lease. or charter vessel:-1.- 730 S penmouéncgheag (‘ '‘‘'‘‘'’‘‘‘‘‘' vesseg prohibited; engaged in active 730 Qnr m` - wl ° r B!CG· . .. pension increased 1402 gfmmugw gg wm; _ _ Z ________________ 730 Sherman-, Charles E., not adapted for specified use . - 730 pension increased 1382 in unsetvmwble coudlhou ..· 730