Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/970

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INDEX. 2131 Shipping Act, 1916-Continued. Pago. Shipping Ac; 1916..(](m1;inu6d Page Unued Stglfeq Shlpging Board; transfers regulations of receiving, delivering, etc., to, ot suitable ovemment vessels. . 730 property to be just and reneona.b1e_ _ 734 v¤¤¤<>l¤_ of. may bs chartered, etc., to enforcement by Board _______ _ _________ 735 cmZ‘?¤S —·----··---·- _ -··------------ 730 just and reasonable rates required of interunservieeable, to be drsposed of __,,,,, 730 state water carriers, ._,,__,__ _ _ , 735 to receive registry and enrollment, ,,,, 730 details specified, ,,,,,,,,,,__,_____, I , · - 735 foreign built, etc., admitted to coast- tariiis, etc., to be filed; through routes- O 735 wnse trade 730 increases subject to approval of Board. 735 shipping laws a plicable . 730 correction of unjust rates etc · 735 transfers of, to ioreign registry, or sale reduced rates not to be Of, forbidden ____________ _ _________ 731 approved by Board , , ________ _ _ 735 leases, etc., restricted . 731 information as to shipments not to be di; gale, gtcq restricted in time Of war, of cmgdinons, ., , .,,,,,,, , , , , 735 other American vessels ... _ . 7 31 cases in which allowed . . . . . 735 sales o_f American vessels to foreigners re orts to be filed by carriers, etc . . . . . 736 forbidden unless first tendered to gorm of statements, etc ..,, , .,.. 736 Board ; exception ...,,..., 731 penalty for violations . 736 forfemare for violations; additional punishment for falsifying, etc 736 pens ty . . . . 731 com laiuts of violations to be filed with possemion of, authorized for military P Board ... . 736 p\11'P0S¢S . . ··... Z .. 731 investigation, etc., not satistied .,, 736 payment to be made; aseertammgnt payn1ent of reparation .. 736 _ _0f Value _ .. 7 31 violatrons may be investigated by Boudu 736 shipping corporation to be formed by orders relating to; hearings ,,___________ _ 735 Board; charter 731 continuance of, except for payment of stock; United States to own majority. . . 731 money ..,.,,,,,,,__,____ _ _____ 736 sale restrictions. 731 record oi investigations, etc., findings, , , 735 operating vessels by, when no citizen rgublication angdr-Eiport of. ... 736 obtainable 731 o ers may bem ed; rehenringe ,,,__ 736 notice of offer; declaration by the Presi- complaints of unfair treatment of American dent of conditions . 732 vemels by foreign Governmentsto be · time for dissolution; disposal of property . 732 investigated by the Board . 737 redemption of stock .. 732 diplomatic action to secure equal privi- Shipping Board to investigate cost of ship- leges .. 737 building at home and abroad, etc., 732 report to_Gongre¤i! unsuccemful . 737 rules of construction; clamifying maine Board arrthouzed tqsecuretestimony, 0%::.. 737 insruance, etc .. _ ... 732 subpoenas; deposrtions, etc . 737 ‘ condition of navigation laws, with rec- wxtnes fees, etc., allowed . . . 737 ommendations for improving ... 732 ¢0mP\1!B0liY_8t$6lld§H06 of witnemes, etc. 737 status of loans on vessels, etc 732 crlmlpt llJ1II1l1D1tY of natural persons; annual reports with recommendations, 732 _ _ p§qu.ry QL} .. H . . 737 etc,, to be e . . .. ] C 011 0 C0 OICB 0 BXB issue of Panama Canal bonds for expenses; 732 f other than money paymgrts ..,,,,,, limit _ ___________,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,... or ymen o money; pro: ure ... payable in fifty years .. . 733 iindliadgs of Board prima facie of facts 738 proceeds permanently appropriated; all counsel fees allowed succesful petitioner 738 other receipts from any source . 733_ yomning oftplarntiffs and defendants m common carriers gy water forbidden to repara on suits ... 738 allow dgfgrr rebates ,_,,,,.,_,,.,. 733 _ service of process, ctc . . . . . 738 use fighting shi ,.,.,.. 733 lumtauon for enforcement of money pay- retaliate by regssing space accommoda- ment orders ... . . . . 738 tions, atc ________________________ _ _ _ 733 venrre andlpyro;;·edurelA .. . . . . mak discriminate shi contracts. 733 enema pens or vic tions . ‘ penalty for violatidrsi .. 733 §urisdiction of Interstate Commerce Comcommon carriers by water, etc., tonleagree- _ rnimon not affected . . . . . . - 738 ments as to rates, etc., with Board., 733 provisions not applicable to mtraatate ““ t%;'?f°°"“ ”“‘°’°°‘ ‘° “°“°“ °‘ 734 rmn°§?‘&°.’§?,;.;mm‘· ‘=‘‘‘ ;s1;;.;r;sa;; m

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status of existing; subsequent 734 mainder of Act . . . . 738 all unlawful without approval of approprratanon for expenses  : . . 738 Board ____ _ ________ ; ______________ 734 c earance to be refused vessel not accepting antitrust laws notapplicabletolawful- 734 frsrglgt tendered by any citizen; penalty for vgqggrivut; --------- ; ------- 734 SM . °‘£,“ WPQ ·--~-·- · ····-·-·······-· 738 rr en; ororagamst - pP¤¤9_ _ ,_ prefix? $,;:55%, or tr·a$c,· ,,,.,,, 734 appropnauop for salsnes. . 112, 1114 allowing less rates bgj unfair means. . . 734 or clerks m omces of .. . . 113, 1114 inducing insurance rscrxminations. - - 734 for_con¤ngent errpesnses .. . - - - 113, 1114 discriminating rates forbrdden m foreign deficmncy appropnauon for clerk hire ..., 25 commerce between ships or ports- - 734 Shrpping §evjmce, _ f _ _ between exporter sand forergn compet- approp¤ation_ for mlanes o comnumroners itors ... - .. . ... 734 at specriied ports ... 32, §114 correction by Board ... 734 for clerk hire; contingent expenses- - . 3, 114