Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/115

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96 SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 22. 1917. For one paper-cutting machine with electric motor and installation, with permission to exchange an old machine in part payment, 600. 3 For one improved job press, ten by fifteen inches, complete with motor attached and all equipments, $300. For one rotary perforator with motor attached, $375. _ For various up-to-date improvements to Monotype typesettmg machine, including installation, $275. _ _ aiglpaiiiiisg griidcaigi For department of cavalry, artillery, and infantry tactics: Tan fem? ¤¤¤¤¢S-i bark or other proper cover for riding hall, to be purchased in open market upon written order of the superintendent, $1,200, For camp stools, camp and office furniture, and repairs to same; for doormats for cadet headquarters, sinks, and guardhouse; for stationery, typewriting supplies and repairs; for use of instructor and assistant instructors of tactics; for books and maps, binding books, and mounting maps; for plumes, silk and worsted sashes for cadet officers and acting officers; for furniture, curtains, and rugs for cadet reception room, and contingencies, $2,100. For the upkeep of athletic grounds, $500. _ Gymnasium and athletic supplies: For repairs, new machines, athletic supplies, and fixtures for gymnasium; for foils, masks, belts, fencing gloves, fencing jackets, gaiters, sabers, and repairs ; for repairs and improvements to dressing rooms, platform, and swimming tank, $4.000. For repairs to saddles, bridles, purchase of leather, curb chains, bits, stirrups, and so forth, and to keep the same in repair, $275. For pure ase of carbons and for repairs and maintenance of Searchlight for Coast Artillery nilglht practice and for miscellaneous expenses connected with Coast Arf ery fire—control stations, $125. For repair of mattresses, machines, and for replacing worn-out articles in gymnasium of Cavalry barracks, $100. For riding hall: Providing material and lumber for hurdles and upkeep of wings, head posts, and so forth, and for repairing and maintainin electric lights, a power clipping machine for animals stabled at Exe riding hall, and for repairs to disk harrow used in keeping footing in condition, and for repairing the canvas screens used to divide the hall into sections, $600. For general repairs to cadet camp, ineludinv camp grounds, repairs to tent platforms, paintinv, shower baths, undervround sinks, renewing plumbing, ilus es and; bowls in underground, sinks, to be immediately available, $2,500. For one hundred new tent floors for cadet camp, to be immediately available, $1,500. For repair of obstacles on mounted drill ground and for constructing other obstacles for use in mounted instruction of cadets, and for maintenance of the track connecting same, $100. For the purchase of thread, wax, needles, for new blades, sharpening old blades, and spare parts and accessories for power clipping machines and saddlefs sewing machines in Cavalry stables, S100. For the purchase of thread, wax, needles, for new blades, sharpening old b ades, and for spare parts and accessories for power clipping machines and saddler’s sewing machine in the Artillery stables, 00. For material for preserving floors, rebronzing radiators, and miscellaneous expenses for cleaning Artillery barracks and stables, $75. For purchase of tools, machines, and repairs to same, for Artillery gun shed, $1,000. For repairs to mattresses, machines, and for re lacincr worn-out articles in the drill hall and gymnasium of Artillery lbarragks, and for miscellaneous expenses connected therewith, $100.