Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1266

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1248 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 86. 1919. misconduct, actual necessary expenses of transportation, including necessary sleeping car fares, and for emplcggment of stenographers and other assistants when necessary to the e cient conduct of examinations, and when authorized by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, $6,000. Lew umn. For law books for the law library, $400. maps. For connected and separate United States and other maps, pre- Pqovigo. _ ared in the General Land Office, $20,000: Provided, That of the D‘s°"l’“"°"‘ {lnited States maps procured hereunder 7,200 copies shall be delivered to the Senate and 14,400 copies shall be delivered to the House of Representatives, 500 copies shall be delivered to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and the residue shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Interior for distribution. All maps delivered to the Senate and House of Representatives hereunder shall be mounted with rollers ready for use. _ msgs and Tarritvrial For separate Sltate and Terrétorial mgpg ofhpugpgp-land Stateizls, “,,,‘,,,.g,,, hgmgsfggd inclu ma s s owin areas esignate y the retary o the um- Intergdiigimdeii the enlarged-homestead Acts, prepared in the General Land Office, $3,000. rue. For appliances in connection with filing system, $3,000. For steel storage boxes for folded files, $5,000. Mm °m°°· INDIAN Omron: Commissioner, $5,000; assistant commissioner, $3,500; chief clerk, $2,750; financial clerk, $2,250; chiefs of divisions——one $2,250, one $2,000; law clerk, $2,000; assistant chief of division, $2,000; private secretary, $1,800; examiner of irrigation accounts, $1,800; draftsmen-—one $1,400, one $1,200; clerkstwenty of class four thirty-one of class three, thirt -eight of class two, two at $1,500 each, sixty-eight of class one (including one stenographer), thirty-two at $1,000 each (including one stenographer), thirty-four at $900 each, two at $720 each; messenger; four assistant m$sengers; four messenger boys, at $420 each; in all, $320,790. Pensim Gmcs. PENSION O1·*F1cE: Commissioner, $5,000; deputy commissioner, $3,600; chief clerk, $2,500; assistant chief clerk, $2,000; medical referee, $3,000; assistant medical referee, $2,250; two qualified surgeons, at $2,000 each; eight medical examiners, at $1,800 eachsix chiefs of divisions, at $2,000 each; law clerk, $2,250; chief of board of review, $2,250; thirty-five principal examiners, at $2,000 each; private secretary, $2,000; ten assistant chiefs of divisions, at $1,800 each; three stenographers, at $1,600 each; disbursing clerk for the payment of pensions, $4,000; deputy disbursing clerk, $2,750; three supervising c erks in the disbursing division, at $2,000 each; clerks——eighty-eight of class four seventy-nine of class three, two hundred and thirty of class two, three hundred and one of class one, sixty-two at $1,000 each; thirty-four copyists; twenty-three messengers; six assistant messengers; skilled aborer, $660; two messenger boys, at $420 each; in all, $1,246,540. t Peg <1iem,¤¤=., mm- For per diem at not exceeding $4 iii lieu of subsistence for persons ig°°°°S' em loyed in the Bureau of Pensions, detailed for the (purpose of makinispecial investigations pertaining to said bureau an for actual and other necessary expenses, including telegrams, $100,000. Wciagbgw Ssvm de For purchase, repair, and exchange o adding machines, addressing ’ machines, typewriters, checksi g machines, and other laborsaving devices, furniture, filing cabinets, and postage on foreign mail, $6,000. P¤¤s¤¤0¤i¤¤- Parsxr Omron: Commissioner, $5,000; first assistant commissioner, $4,500; assistant commissioner, $3,500; chief clerk (who shall be qualified to act as principal examiner), $3,000; five law examiners, at $2,750 each; examiner of classification, $3,600; five examiners in chief, at $3,500 each; two examiners of interferences, at $2,700 each; examiners of trade-marks and designs—one $2,700, first assistant $2,400, six assistants at $1,500 each; examiners-