Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1312

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1294 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 97. 1919. work whose eiliciency records in opleratingssuch appliances are satiskdmissbn of em factory to him, and may accept suc recor in lieu of the civil-service ployees vim; previous examination: And further, That employees in other branches ‘,?,`g§,’,3,§§§,,Qf‘;‘{;_°‘h°’ of the departmenta classified service who have had previous experigee in gafrésus work mag be tralnsferged without exaipipiztipln to the nsus cetoserveurintewoeoraparto e ecennia census eriod, and at the endg of such service the employees so transferred shall be eligible to appointment tcbpositions in any department held by them at ate of transfer to the ensus Office without examination, but no employee so transferred shall within one gear after Pmm0um’,_,,c_ dug such transfer receive higher salary than he is receivinlg at the time of ins wnggtggioi tc the transfer: And provided lgfurther, That during the ecennial census mmm ° period and no longer the u·ector of the Census may fill vacancies m the permanent force of the Census Ofhce by the lpromotion or transum me fer lpf clegki or ozher emptoygnss Xmplqgegi onmt?;1;>dt}e1;'1gLorai;Erhforce ’ authorize y sec ion six o ct: ’ u er, at at the expiration of the decennial census perioiir the term of service of all employees so transferred and of all other tem rary officers and emtployees appointed under the provisions of this dg shall terminate, an § officersthand employees shall pcgl bag} eligible to appointment or tr er into e classifie service o e overnment virtue o sneeucasrgem mem- their examination or appointment under this Act: And jimpl°’m°“° '°“““‘”‘ ther, That in the selection of the additional clerks and employees rovided for by section six the Director of the Census is authorizesto ea 8:.5** mrmaabaatwatoeae *;s;*a#.¤r.·$rhsd.:i ec ve o er ov _ y- , e e gi)gIll1Ite;e;nt,i0s;1> far as the same applies to permanent appointments by 1 . . ,,,§‘f"°"“‘°‘ °' ’“‘¤“*‘ Sec. 8. That the Fourteenth Census shall be restricted to inquiries P umm relating to population, to agriculture, to manufactures, to forestry °p and forest products, and to mines and quarries. The schedules r tpogopigllgtion igclqldefgornelach iphabitant the namgi p o a e,r tions np to ea o a 'y, co or, sex, e, conj condition, place of birth, place of birth of parents, nzliionalitylg or mother tongue of all persons born in foreign conmtries, nationality or §othe5· éongue of pare}nts of foreign bir h,t1];umber of years in the mte tates, citizens ip, occupation, w e er or not employer or employee, whether or not entglaged in iculture, school atgendance, literacy tenure of home and e encumafiiauce thereon, and the name A and address of each blind or deaf and dumb person. ‘ The schedules relating to agriculture shall mclude name, color sex, and country of birth of occupant of each farm, tenure, acreage of farm, acreage of woodland, value of farm and improvements, and the encumbrance thereon, value of farm implements, number of live stock on farms, ranges, and elsewhere, and the acreage of cro s and the mmm., mw I,. quantities of crops and other farm products for the year ending Decem- ‘¤""“"· berthirty-first next precedingatlhe enumeration. Inquiries shall be made as to the quantity of d reclaimed by irrigation and drainage and the crops pro uced; alsoas to the ocation and character o t1;l'1gQl5l0I1 and drainage enterprises, and the capital invested insuch ne¤ummu·es,r¤m¤e- BH I'P¤$€$· r>·.mi¤¤¤¤¤<1<1¤¤¤·l¤s. The schedules of inquiries relating to manufactures, to forestry and forest products, and to mines and uarries shall include the name and location of each establishment; dharacter of o anization, whether mdividual, corporate, or other form; character ci? business or kind of goods manufactured; amount of capital actually invested; number of proprietors, firm members, copartners and officers, and the amount of their salaries; number of employees and the amount of their wages; quantity and cost of materials used in manufactures; principal miscellaneous expenses; quantity and value of products; time in opera-