Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1428

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INDEX lvu Comnwrcial Attachés—yO9ntinued. P¤8¤· Oqmmon Curia-;-Continued. P¤¤¤· deticiency appmpmtnon for post allow- mterna.1 revenue tax on freight, express, smces, etc .. . ·.. 495 and passextransportatiou by 1101 Cmnmisaion for the Standardization of Screw allpervices for included 1102 Tin-mds, _ _ _ provxsions governing Federal control of, creation, compoaxhon, and dutxes of 912, 1291 taken possesmpn of in time of war. . . 451 Ccmmimbn of ine Arta, standard ume estsbhshed governing moveappropriation for expenses . 135, 660 ments of ... 451 approval oi, re of design etc., of advanced one hour from March to Nostatue of dent James 632 vember ... . . .. 451 required for desxgn and site of Frmcm under Federal control subject to State and Asbury memorial ... . .  ;.-. 1213 Federal laws, not inconsistent to design and site of memorial to religious Federal control, etc . 456 orders of sisters who served as nurses war revenue tax on mberstate transportain the Civxl War . .. 500 tiemoffreight, passengers, etc., by., 314 Commimkm on Postal Service Salariea, tmnigortatxon of commodxties owned by . composition, dunes, powers, etc . 1200 cpmne .. . . . .. 315 Cammmims on Standard Workdzy of Rail- 'pasiufncechedules filed. 315 road Employees, if for ovgu use, ... 315 deficiency apprgyriatxon for expenses . 3 Cmnmon Rai _ Commissioners of anciliwhm, appmpmmm {or enimcing uniform system appropriation for services and expenses. 810, 1262 of accounts by ... 123, 649 for expenses of wa.r_labor c0nc11iat.i0¤.-. 696 fur compelhnguseoissfety appliances. 123, 649 deficiency appropriauou for expenses . 375 for securing reports of accidents .. 123, 649 Commissioners, United States Courts, for mvm¤Ptmng blocknignal and tnin appropriation for fees .. 157, 683 contro _¤ystems, etc ... 123, 649 deficiency approprmtion for fees .. 32, for ascert.m.¤1¥ physical valuation of 34, 381, 383,494, 834, 1040 progerty 0 .; . . . Z . 123, 649 search warrants; authority for issue by, for for securing mfnrmshon of stocks, bonds, specified violations of law, etc ., 228 etc- . . . Z . ... 123, 649 Cammisciom, Eucutiveor Admimktrative, for corppelling use of safe locomotive cocrdixziatipn cglftmctious, etc., authorized 556 dw _ b01l€I'B by  : .6; -.} ... 124, 649 e war . . .. mency ap pm 11 or ex Ccrmmissiom, gwmmwnt, commiag on Standard Workday timber for war pu1?oses may be taken of Employees of . z .. : . 3 from mtioml omets by . . .. 990 for ascertaming phymcal valuauon oi Commissiam, Intensatianal (see under Inter- property of . t . 824 national). for cnforcing use of safetygfplmnces by. 825 Committee for Reeducutian of War Oripplu, for compelling use of e locomotive Imemllied, boilers, etc., by ..,. 825 appropriation for contribution for maintc- agencies of, authorized in Washington durnance of . . . 635, 1335 ing the war to receive orders for Committee em Post Ojcea and Pon Roads, priority for shipments, etc . 273 House of Representatives, punishment for noncompliance with five members of, to serve on commision to orders, etc . 278 reclamify, etc., tal service salaries 1200 cu service movement, return, etc., subject Committee an Post 0% and Post Roads, tndirections, etc.,of Interstate Com- Senate, merce Commissnqn . 101 tive members of, to servo on commimion penalty for noncompliance .. 101 to reclassxfy, etc., postal service foogl cnnservatxon lxcenses not applicable to 278 salaries 1200 no increased mtee to befiled by, until Jan- Committee em Printinghnloint (uc Joint, uary 1, 1920, without approwl of Committee on ° ting). _ Commrssion .. . . _ . . , 272 Committee on Public Information, °PPmY$l w¤¢hq¤¢f¤rm¤| b¢§\¤¤$¤U0wed. 272 appro riation for all expenses of . 646 °b°tmcting mmm . °°°·· m mwmtqte ugvances authorized  : 646 3:;:1*5 duing P?€¤€¤¥? WU, 8 11115- 272 “°1L‘3Z§d T? .¥’T‘?Y f’H .‘?{‘TY‘f’F?. .‘f’. 646 r>¤¤i¤bm¢¤¢ for ..., 272 detailed rewrt to Conga, ____ _ ______ 646 use of forces to prevent .. 272 restriction on paying employees of labor p1:ov1sionsn0taEected..._ .. 272 draft age ________________ _ __________ 646 preferexmal rates for tmnggormgou for the C¢rm.·mittee_¢m Rules, Senate, ggemment aH°W dm-mg present 272 “"" "b1e..§{1f§ E§°£’§§‘1'2%?°?‘T’.M"“ “?&1, 1215 ¤~¤1b;;¤,;ges;ga;g¤*pgr¤i,¤¤¤· egégggeg Umwifwfw Nsmbwi Dcfm-ve. ew-. , :91-md to Jmwy 7, 1919 ... 431 pnouty to be gwen smpmeuts of, dlmng _ giective January 8, 1918, to new cor- P!‘€Se¤t War - . . . . . . 212 pomtiom __________ _ ______ _ ________ 431 exempted . [mm im·°Tm*t6 °°mm€‘*'°° rate dmcrimiuatiou questions to be coupeualiues ········-· · ·-—-—-····· _ ····· 2 72 sidered by 3 division of three mem- Cmnmon Carners (see also Fedeml Rmlroad bers of Interstate Commerce Com- Qcntrol), mission 27]. exclueuve contr0l_0f, for transporting mili- valugtion of prodrierty, etc., to be considtarypupphes, etc., in time of was ered bya 'vimon of five mexnbers of coutmued ..,... 456 Iutgrstaba Commerce C0mm1m10u.. 271