Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1518

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INDEX. cxlvii Legishtive, Execut·ive,andJudrHaIExpcru¢s— Pm- Legislative, E2:ecut*l·ve,a1•d Judicial Expenses- Post- _ Continued. Continued. additional pay of $120 a year; computation Public Buildings Commision created to of preee work pay . 815 allot space in Government buildings not apphcable to regular per diem em- in the District of Columbia . 1269 ap p;;g;>te%l;.f& , . S12 al>so1;¤ut§ control of atlgpments vested in; 8 ---~··--·---·-· dmgs 270 gi? District ofpaégllumbia ekgplo ees appropriation ggcggpenses . l270 half from Treasury and f gem public printing and binding; measures to revenues thereof, except water de- prevent delay, waste, etc., authorpartment, wholly from water reve- 5 ized ... 1270 nues .. 81 t ° umals yiedicgs 1;c_ mh. for trust fund employees from trust lmli>1‘it]§peci.fic’ giithorizatiori by vgonfrmds -..-.-..·..-.----. 815 gross, prohibited hereafter . 1270 repogteof payr.tr1;111t$0£ést four months to 815 coglinugdnce 031 pfeseni; publications su m1 ongress .. ow unf c ose o next session sudasomr psy 61 $240 6 year 16 ofvongress .-.. mo employees of the Govmnmcut md all Government work to be done at the names 61 Columbia receiving $2,500 G<>v¤r¤m¤¤t 1’¤¤¢¤1e Ofllco ---·---· 1270 . hs _________ _ _____________________ 1267 for iield service e1sewher·e me.y be to those receiving lm thm $2,740 to allowed by Jomt Commrttee on equal that amount . 1267 P¤¤¤1?8 ········--- ; ---·· ,- - 1 ··-·-· 1270 pot to exceed 60 per cent of total pay. . - 1267 G°°'8° W°€l”¥’€"‘?“ M°m°"*’·l B‘”idm8· D· increased compensation for 1919, not C-. IINIWUDB on construction, etc., ysgrpumr as salary _,,,,,, {6 ... 1267 _ Msggrrgegi is one rw --·--- - ··--·· 1270 restn gran ,1:0 . . 2. ` ciiglag ukgyinyn {35;; creatwn of, riiidzer direction of two drafts- 1920, in excess of {200 a year ... 1267 . ’§§u· 1- · -1, ···· . ·l -···-· -······· 1141 entenngtheservice smcelune 30, 1918. 1267 *PP°m en Y But ° ° Semw employees whose my 1, sdjmmd by and Speaker of the House respectw·g·;,b°;{°·· rw- -1 -----·=·-- P ·, M" 6..1,,10;Z§§’g,;.;;e1",..s¤ ‘‘‘‘ st·‘6;:6‘s1m.;.; ‘‘‘‘‘‘ " {ti} not H1 _______ 1267 duties gg to aid committees of Congress; 1141 Panama Canal or Alaska Engineer- 8 . ··-············ : ········· : ····· i¤go0mm1¤¤10¤____ _,_,_,,,,... 1267 ¥¢8¤lé*0¤¤¤¤, ew-» ¤¤b1¢¢*> to I-1b¤¤'Y 1142 lurnp sum, in agencies, etc., created . ulmlttees -··--·-··--·-· 1 ·-··-·· Wm1§·_1;mm,y 1, 191% ___________ • _ _ 1267 appropxr;1i:I1;1pr;;gr Hscal year 1919, d1sburse· 1142 ar rs Insurance ureau; special . . 7 ·---- ; —-----·-···------··· rates 1.661.1:61 .. 1267 L¤v¤1¤¢·¤e Refmee Iowa 4 €·mwe—~· parttime, except chgrwomeu _,,,_,__ 1267 ¤PP!0P¤8·l·l0!1 for preparing material for serving at iorswsrs .., 1267 . C<>¤g¤¤¤¤· ele-; ----—------- , —--- 761% 1221 in construction works for the Govern- d°6c1°“cY “PP“&"“u°¤ f°l' PY€P”m8 m“' mgm, gun, bygorpomtzgian, etc ____ 1267 material for ngres, etc .. 462 recervrng y om ou e sources [*9** •. . . under cobmperative arrangements 1268 °PP1’°I!¤*m°¤ for tosms. etc-. coltorss for serving voluntarily or at a nominal rate 1268 Ld . R*P°c“]5t;“8 ··-·····-······ · ········ 981

 _ _   _   f?T_i?f¥?_ir: 1268 alplwtuojpiigiionioi improvement of ... 252,1277

on railroads operated under Federal ‘ “i‘°'{*“l F°"”'•.Id“}‘°» { commh md not deemed Federal em, appropriation for maintenance, etc., o 986 ployees 1268 bu bun 1. 109 double salem; restriction not to prevent 1268 L;:1P:q°;1ng8°§{7gtg%1 Rgmmum ‘° ' recei to . · - · · ’ " ·_ computagon ofpiece work pay .. 1268 °pp'°Pt?:,?&? f°r mg °°_ 877 not applicabe to regular per diem up", dc '’ ° ’'` " '

  • >mPl°>’€¤¤ -~····- : ·-·-··~-···--·-·· 1268 apprkpriison 161 we 61 molds 6: com

appropriation for r¤·&¤z ---·----·-·--·-- 1268 md 1;,111,,,, _ _ _ _ 706 or District of lumbia employees Ldmmagc, Canada, ’’'°’‘ ` ' mm {mm “’v°°“°° tb°'°°f* °x°°pt deficiency appro riatzion for International `WRt€f d€m`I’tID€Dt from water Dry £0ng!,£ at in - . _ . l 1€v¤¤¤¤¤E---l ·----· 1 ·---·- · - 1268 use comm, Posmzsmm, ’ ` ‘°11‘15‘ °“"’ °""’° “‘ ‘ 1268 eptzomssss dwdeuvev ····-··-· lil? report of po, ents in Erst four months pmmouom ___________ 5 _____,,,__,,_, 746 to be errlirgitted to Congress .. , . 1268 for pug] dgljvgyy __________,_ , ,,___, 751, 1197 purchases of supplies, etc., to be made m pay modiiied ____________, 1 ,,.,,,. 751, 1197 preference from stock OD hand 110 pay of substitute, etc., established at 40 onger needed by other Government Cem; an hgugg ______,,,, . .,... 752 881**1089 -·----·---···-··---· · ·-·--· 1268 Letter Scalea,_etc., Postal Serviqe, creation of Joint Commision on Reclassi- appropriation for, and repairs . 750, 1196 iication of Salaries, to investigate, Letters, _ etc., pay of civilian employees . 1269 postage on, increased one cent an ounce. . . 327 appropriation for expenses .. . . . 1269 restored to former rate July 1, 1919 .. 1150