Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1519

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cxlvm INDEX. Letzerr-Continued. P¤s¤· Library of Congress-Qontinued. _ Pagefrom soldiers, etc., abroad accepted free. 327, 1150 deficiency a.ppr0pr1ation for legislative repeal of payment to Treasury of excess reference; _ .-.. _ . 462 reoorpts from postage on 1150 space in,_ bu11dmg,no§ subycct to Public Leupp Indian Agency, Ariz., _ Building COIIIIIIISSIOII .. 1260 appropriation ·for bridges scrom Little Colo- Lwmse Burequ, . C'., _ Drgdo and Canon Diablo Rivers near. 570 sppmpzicstron for superintendent, clerks, 919 Lewes, c ., 0 ...------------------- - -·-·-· . - a pro ristion foIGOV6YDm0Dt pier 252 superintendent to be secretary of automo- Leuglg avid Clark National Forest, Mont., _ bile board ..·.···.. 919 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 986 Lzcemes, _ _ _ Lewis Rwer, Wash., for enemy insurance compsmes in United appropriation for improvement of. . 260, 910, 1285 States; issue, revocation, etc 413 Lewistown, Pa., issue of, authorized for lgusmess by enemy appropnation for public building - . -. 109 insurance compsmes, etc .. 415 Liberia, trading with enemy . - . . . 415 appropriation for minister resident and transporting sn enemy, etc ... Z 415 consul genera,] to 520, 1326 sendm¥¤1etters, etc., except by mul, to Liberty Bonds (see Stage: ggcuri- or m, the United States .. 415 ties, First' , e ., 'berty n . trsnsmittmg' writings, p ans, memsges, Liberty Bonds, Fmt, dl 61 etc., E a;11ene;ny . . . 21; rovisionfor1mumg’ Jnmeetwarexpen '- app ’ca 'ons or tents,ec ... 1 P tures, etc .. 35 rexlxgation or renewxftuthorized; rules, Lmhrty Bands, Second, etc., to be made 415 provisions for issnung, to meet war ex- execution oi powers, etc. .. 415 gwnditures, etc ... 288 manufacturing, etc., under patents, etc., Liberty ands, — owned by an enemy . . . -.. 421 provisions for imrmg, tomeetwarexpendi- provisions for royalty, etc . . . 421 tures, etc- .. . . . 503 reggstion of prices for necessaries for Liberty Banda, Fourth, vernment forces, etc. ... 421 provisions for isuing, to meet war expe.ndi· regulations governing imue of, for manufactures, etc . _ . 844 ture, sales, etc., of explosives, in Liberty Lo¢m,_ Victory (see United States Se- time of war ... . ... 386 curiues, Victory Liberty Loan). inns restricted to United States citizens, Liberty, Mo., _ * etc., and of nations at peace thereappropriation for public building .. . . 109 with ... . .. 387 Libranhn of Congress, may be prescribed for dealings in foreign appropriation for, chief smistant, etc. . . 765, 1220 exchange, etc . 966 Library Committee, Home of Repre.1enlat·ires, required for business of collecting foreign rules, etc., of Legislative Drafting Service, coupons .. . . . ... 333, 1087 sub]ect to, and of the Senate ... 1142 punishment for collecting without. . . 333, 1087 Libraq; Committee, §’¢na;e, _ _ transfers of enemy property, etc., without, rules, etc., of Legislative Drafting Service, mvnhd ..,..,.,..., . .,. 417 subject to, and of the House of Rep- Licensee, Food and Fuel Comervazsbn (au resentstwes ...-. _ .. 1 142 also Food Products, Fuel, etc.), Library, Q., Free Public, provision for isue of, for nstioml security gpgropnauon for. .: . . .f and defense. 277 _ e ciency approprm. on or expenses . Lum' , osg., em Eng] roperty, ‘ I/ebrary of Qopgreaa _ _ _ provisions for dlsponl oi, on dsfsult, etc. . 418 approprumon for Lrbnrmn, amstant, Lzeumumt General, Army, etc ..·-.. _.  ; ----.. 765, 1220 commander of army or arm corps, to have for ducts of dxvmon, etc 765, 1220 rank oi, during emsrgemgy, 410 for resding rooms, etc .. . .. - 765, 1220 L4]; Insurance, • fvf law ...· _ -.. • . 766, 1220 revenue tax on; policies d ’ ted ... 1104 for Semitic and Onentsl literature- - - 766, 1221 war revenue tax on policies 0% exem tion. 315 for Ccpynght Office . ... 766,1221 not exceeding :500, on industrinl? ow., for legmiative reference .,.,.,.,,, 766, 122], plan, excepted 315 for distribution of c•rd indexes, etc. . 766, 1221 Life Insurance Policiu, fortemporurysery1ces;carriers. .. 766, 1221 premiums paid by corporations, etc., for for Snmdsyppemng . ; -.: 766, 1221 their own benefit on, officcrs, etc., for purcimsing books, periodicals, etc. 766, 1221 not deducted from net income or ior coutmgent expenses ... _ . 7 66, 1221 profits . ; - . . 338, 1069 for superintendent of building and protection of rsons in military service grounds, clerkgefc .. 767, 1221 Ec of, for nonpsyment for watchmen, epgmeers, etc 767, 1222 o premiums service therein. 444 Sunday opem.n§ .. 767, 1222 terms and conditions ... 444 temporary employees .. . - -: . 1222 Lik Savi Service (ace also Coast Guard , { • ng • • • or incidental expenses, esreonfbmldmg, appmpmuon for paying be1rs of 0 cers etc: . . - 767, 1222 and men dying in service ,, 641 for repairs- - ... 767, 1222 deficiency appropriation for pay of crews, for furniture, etc- t. - -: . _ [67, 1222 etc ... . ...,,. 30, 33, 833, 1038 for steel stack extension m cud divx- for miscellaneous expenses __,__,,____ 382,838 f ... . .f .-- 7%% Life Sewing Tulirrénvniala, or s, e ,, groun so - ...-.. - , 9 s ro nafion or rescum' g ’ wreck for printing and binding for .. 175, 701 pp pAmerican seamen, etc. . $2, 1328