Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/274

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 49. 1917. 255 Brunswick Harbor, Georgia: For maintenance $33,250. B¤‘¤¤¤wi°k» °¤· Altamaha, Ocgrgee, and Ocmulgee lgvers, Georgia: Continuing G£°°“°°’ °*°" m"°”’ im rovement an or maintenance, $40, 00. ‘ lhdian River, Saint Lucie Inlet, Miami Harbor (Biscayne Bay), and F§{*““" H°"’°'· °'°" Harbor at Key West, Florida: For maintenance, $6,000; completm improvement of Miami Harbor, $160,000: Provided, That the worlg €,'{','{',:’§;, ,,,,,k_ proposed under the ro'ect adopted by the river and harbor Act ap- V°'·37» P- 2°9· roved July twenty-Efth, nineteen hundred and twelve, may be done by contract if reasonable rices can be obtained; in all, $166,000. Tm Tampa and Hillsboro lgays, Saint Petersburg Harbor, Hillsboro, ra, W B"' °l°" and Manatee Rivers, Florida: For maintenance, $66,500; for improve- HmS"°'° B°Y» Flament of Hillsboro Bay in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Thirteen hundred an forty-five, Sixty- · foiu·th Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth Pm, in said document, $300,000; in all, $366,500: Promded, That nothing Useelolfbor Estuary. in this Act, nor in the Act approved Jime twenty-fifth, nineteen V°*·“·P·°“· hundred and ten, entitled "An Act making appropriations for the construction, repair and preservation of certam public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes," shall be so construed as to prevent the use of any part of the Ybor Estuary zone for indus- . trial or other legitimate purposes when the same is not needed for commercial uses, nor to exclude the building and operation of a railroad or railroads by private arties or railroad companies under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe, subject to the right of the city of Tampa to construct and operate a municipal wmmmbm mm rai1road_ on said estuary zone as set forth in said report. The Secre- ' tary of War is hereby authorized to prosecute the work of improvement on the exisf roject for Saint Petersburdg Harbor, in accordance with the ml:¢§fi)ed conditions recommen ed by the Chief of Engineers and the Board of En§ineers for Rivers and Harbors in the igpocrlt Riviera and arbors Document Numr ix, 1xt - ourt ongress, secon session. . Saint Johns Hiver, Florida, Jacksonville to the ocean, opposite the ¤¢%¤¤.J°h¤s Rm" city of Jacksonville, Jacksonville to Palatka, and Palatka to Lake Eamgy, 14Lake Crescent Creek, and Oklawaha River, ori az or maintenance, , . K, iv Kissimmee, Caloosahatchee, Orange, Anclote, Crystal, Withla- ¤¢¤.,F1¤. °° R °r’ coochee, and Suwannee Rivers, Charlotte Harbor, Sarasota Bay, and Clearwater Harbor and Boca Ceiga Bay, Florida: For maintenance, $11,000. Removing the water hyacinth Florida: For the removal of the m§:»ii¤°<ivii¤’§iiii¤iii¤hi¤w water hyacinth from the navigable waters in the State of Florida, in ”°“”‘ so éar ai itl is {pr ma§ l§C0_;H6 vii obstgctign tqnagigatign, $li0§0s00. Ammmm mm arra e e ar an ar or, a ac co t osep , an int ¤:c.,1ms¤aes. ’ Andrews Bays Apalachicola and) Chipola Ilivers, and channel from Apalachicola River to Saint Andrews Bay, Florida, Flint River, Georgia, and Chattahoochee River, Georgia and Alabama: For maintenance, $77,500; continuing improvement of A%lachicola River, inc_luding{the cut-off, Lee S ough, lower Chipola iver, and upper Chipela iver from Manannato its mouth, $18,000; in all, $95,500. I, I ma etc olmes and Blackwater Rivers, Florida, Choctawhatchee, Escam- " ' bia, and Conecuh Rivers, Florida and Alabama, the narrows in Santa Rosa Sound, and Pensacola Harbor, Florida: For maintenance, 9,500. ~ Mobile Harbor and Bar, and channel c0n.nect bile Bay and M°bu°"u°` Mississippi Sound, Alabama: For maintenance of c el connecting Mobile ay and Mississippi Sound, $5,000; for maintenance of Mobile Hirbot; BE- and gxmprovegentbin alcegdance wigh the reporg su mi in ouse ument um ere venteen un an sixty-three, Sixty-fourth Congress, second session, and subject to the