Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/275

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256 SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 49. 1917. conditioii? sg; fortgi irioszgid do¢{luri£1g,0e:)cept as to pilotage and tarminaa"ties, 110 ;ina , . m’l—2`rl§?°.i1°i».ii°»liu °c'L°°° Alabamacltiver, Alabama, and Coosa River, Alabama and Georgia: Continuing improvement and for maintenance. including the Alabama and Coosa Rivers between Montgiomery and _Wetumpka., $50,000. a1;fl`{.`}3ii’ii"°r§. R"”’ Tombigbee River, Alabama an Mississippi: For mamtenauce from mouth' to Demopolis Alabama, $30,000, and from Demopolis, Hum Alabama, to Walkers Bridge, Mississippi, $10,000; m all, $40,000. m;Y"°°g°°]‘ ’ Pascagoula Harbor, Mississippi: Continuing improvement and for _ maintmance of channels through Horn Is and Pass, Mississippi G H Sound ] River, and Bog:(l21ve1·,_$111§,000. m§‘f"*’°'°· °"’°‘· Gulfport bor, Mississippi: ntmiung IIB rovement and for maintenance of anchors basin at Gulfport and) channel therefrom to the anchorage or roa£tead at Shégulsland, and for the improvement and maintenance of channel at Egeland Pass, $80,000. R}Q,:g°@’°· °'°·· oula, Wolf, Jordan, Pearl, ands t Pearl Rivers, and Biloxi ' r ° ippi: For maintenance 10 000. ,,§‘°° *""°'· °“‘~· Yamb River and tributaries, Mississippi:) For maintenance, includ- ' Yazoo, Tallahatchie Coldwater and Big Sunflower Rivers, - E-§mla Lallre, Steele, and Washington Bayous, Lake Washington, and ar Cree $20,000. purggsgppx Bivu m p?8°sd,:’th!$1a;?0t\;? of gh;1L§;%gpi River: (bntinuing improveen an or m ance . ,,,,,¥j’{§" I"°“'“‘°· Bayous I.sfourche,Ten·¢;bo1ine,i}rossetete,Plaquemine, and Teche,

 F350 maintenance, including Grand River and Pigeon

us .

’2.,°{'§"; £  from the Mississippi River to the Sabine River, Louisiana:

'°‘;*·L¤· For maintenance; $7 000· for completing imfrovement from Mer-

 ril;. S°` mputau River to Sabine giver, Louisiana an Texas, in accordance

with the rvxrt submitted m Senate Document Numbered Seven hundred and _ e, Sixty-fourth Congress, second session, and subject to ub the conditions set forth in said ocument, $230,000; in all, $237,000. .t,,,;,P"‘°°"""'“"* Lake Ponchartrain, Pass Manchac, Bogue Falia, Chefuncte, Ponchatoula Natalbany, Blood, Tickfaw, and Amite Rivers, and ` Bayou Manchac, Louisiana: For maintenance, $4,000; for completing imlprovement of Lake Ponchartrain in accordance with the report su ugitted 1Ir Hoéise DOCUIEBDC Numbered One hundred and seventy- six nxty ongress rst session, $32,000· in ll $36 000. .,Ef‘{§‘f’ v°"“°'°°’ Bayous Vermilion Neizpique des Cannes, Plaquteniine Brule and Queue de Tortue, lérmentau Biver, and Calcasieu River and Pass, Louisiana: Contmuing improvement and for maintenance, including §&1annel,tba§,_ andsgpsgxg of Bayou Vermilion, and tributaries of ermen au iver . . _i§:$.4j;.’:,{,§7“,*c*,;*:,;,,,., Removmgpae ima} hyacinths, Alabama, iiasassippa, Louisiana, gm, ;;gf· ‘·°¤‘¤*¤¤¤· and Tezias: or the removal of the water hyacinth from the navigable Fate?) m the §tates§i‘;n0?)1n so far as it is or may become an obstrucion naviga ion .

b°°°‘°’“m “Ri"' Atchafalaya River, Louisiana: For maintenance, $20,000.

Am,m,°*§§,{m°f“ Harbor at Sabine Pass and Port Arthur Canal, Sabine-Neches ia. are rar. Canal, and Johnsons Bayou, Louisiana and_ Texas: For maintenanco,

ax<;o61(;:0mumglim$i?}io(;~$0ent of Sabine Pass and Port Arthur

,,,_ _, __ . ·1na_, . Telgfiainxfl mlm Ark Red and Sulphur Rivers, Arkansas and Texas, and Cypress Bayou gig bege&n0Jeiferson, Texas, and Shreveport, Louisi¤.¤¤·1 ce , . etg?!’1Y§;.tm Hmm _ Galveston HarhoitGalveston_Channel, Port Bolivar Channel, TBXHS

 Channel, md custou Ship Channel, Texas: For maintcmlllffé,

Pm 'Tu Pogmdransas, Texas: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $100,000.