Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/475

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 25. 1918. 457 and said findings and orders shall be enforced as provided in said Act: Provided, however, That when the_Pres1dent shall and and certify gigvggm { Pm to the Interstate Commerce Commission that in order to defray the amt otnecessgty mi; expenses of Federal control and operation fairly chargeable to rail- $$5; °*’°‘°"*“€ “"" way operating expenses, and also_to pay railway tax accruals other than war taxes, net rents for ]o1nt_ facilities and egmpment, and compensation to the earners, operating as a unit, it is necessary to increase the railway operating revenues, the Interstate Commerce crfiidiigiiiigiggaigg Commission in determining the justness and reasonableness of any °°•=- ' rate, fare, charge, classification, regulation, or practice shall take mto consideration said an certificate by the President, together such reeommen ations as he may gnake. P mc. 11. t cve rson or co ration w carri r . .*f¤r vie Sappa, or ag sa'?$8¥f_mas, is‘l’§., mat, or person $£ me he for or employe by a camer or shipper, or other person, who shag knowingguviolatepr fail to obserye any of thetfrovisions of this mmm wm] Act, or s ll knowingly mterferewith or impede e possession, use, or raimag propeiigg operation, or eontro of any railroad property, railroad, or trans- °*°· P:2;:rnrts,h:$2:tt :;,h2;:*;i;sz:::;;2:.2V:: by **12 mst o wing an or er or regulation made in pursuance of this Act, shall be guilty of; misdemeanor, ggdxiohall, upfon convict1o1}r3Tbi<;1lp1]rln1;•shed bty fa fine gif not 11;:2;; than , or a on p nmen or no more wo years, hr lioth. Each ihdependent transaction constituting a viola- °”°¤· . . . . . seperate ortion of, og a failing; to observe, may off theagrovisnons of this Act, km- · or any or er enter m pursuance ereo , s constitute a se arate oifense. For the taking or conversion to his own use or the emlyezzle- E"“’°"'°'”"¤‘» °*°· . . . . pmanatne by rain! ment of money or property denved from or_ used m connection with 0* Stm statutes. $t.m"°*’“°°°’ Mi.§”a.m’ """’r.‘i'¤2’."r‘31’Z.I°§°r'¥¤ ‘Zi1§°i?¤i$“s3.“a§r "“”S*ii""°*‘t‘;” as we as e

 statutes of the various States where applicable, shall apply

to all officers, agents, and employees engaged in said railroad and 2’“i‘f}P‘L“““°§m“°'E"‘£.?’a",i’i1r20f.*§° “'i°§§»J3 F°‘ii§“‘ "°"“°'1 o e ame emp in re serv: o the United States. Prosecutions for violations of Act ff of ,,§,"§,°,f,“,§°”$ m *1** gy ogdgr entered therctulxsdetriilshall be {Ego gistrict eoérts oi the ` nite tates, un er e ectnon o ttorne en al ' accordance with the procedure for the collection and impging hni “"§?,§“?2P°¤Ft‘§‘€7§§§Z'y§§‘§§“2§h‘§r“°i$p‘2Z`§“%...-i df th ¤·»·y ···»· »¤ ··» . . ve rom e opera- V tion of the carriers dining Federalpcontrci are hereby declared to iimztygmw Sum be the property of the United States. Unless otherwise directed by F°·§,$“'_;§},{*,§0§f ‘°°*¤f• the President, such moneys shall not be covered mto the Treasury, E3?. S35? ‘?;°‘Li.’3 &;“" ‘§§’.?.?&'ii"gii‘1““}‘6§?2“t’Lt t" ·"‘€i.°“"°°"" °‘ “‘° e ce eac e em esamemannr and form ah before Federal control. Disbmsements therefroih i¤§.i’b£{€§.‘II,€“*’,P°§‘c°,§?g shall, without further a pro riation, be made in the same manner °PP’°P"¤*i°¤· as befoée Federal gptroli and) for kgggi purpose? as under the Interstate ommerce mmission e cation o accounts f on December twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and seizntgggi pre ehaggealgle to operating expenses or to l§a%way tax accruals and or suc other urposes in connection wit ederal contr l th President may direct, except that taxes under Titles One (sin<iiSTwg aiggsysltiiitmgi cfg of gh;-> Act teiigtitled "An Act to proggdgrevgnuehtggehay war expenses, dj; P 300 an or o r purposes, ’ approv cto er t nineteen hundred P i' Z1 6. and seventeen, o1·_any Act in addition thereto’or in amendmeht M P 07 therzeoi, he paiddgydthe ca1T;er out of itsfown Iftgederal ta$£.p°m°°m°°t °i conro egms oren uring etaxyear orw 'c any xesso chargeable to railway tax accruals are assessed, the taxes for such ` year shall be apportioned to the date of the beginning or ending