Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/52

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SIXTY·FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3. 1917. 33 For miscellaneous expenses, United States courts, $14. . For supplies for United States courts, 38 cents. cnams ALLOWED nr Tim Aunrron Fon THE POST orrrcn Dnranmmm. For indemnities, international registered mail, $320.28. A§},§*,$S,0§*}§’°§t°‘},¤}’c{ For arcel-post msurance, $3.40. Depmuwut. For freight on stamped paper and mail bags, 65 cents. For shipment of supplies, $66.63. For star—route service, $6.51. For compensation to postmasters, $87 9.95. For compensation to assistant postmasters, $350. For clerks, first and second class post offices, $188.56. For clerks, third-class post offices $104.12. For temporary and auxiliary clerks in post offices, $33.34. For separating mails, third and fourth class `post offices, $332. For clerks, contract stations, $37.94. For Railwa Mail Service, salaries, $93.33. For Rural gelivery Service, carriers, $14.78. . For rent, light, and fuel, $298.74. . For office appliances, $3.60. For canceling machines, $29.78. For miscellaneous items, first and second class post offices, services and purchases, $61.16. . AUDITED CLAIMS. Sec. 3. That for the payment of the following claims, certified M‘““°“’“°m‘”S· to be due by the several accounting officers of the Treasury Department under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted V I 18 H or carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section five °’ ’p‘ °‘ of the Act of June twentieth, e` hteen hundred and seventy-four, and under appropriations heretdfore treated as permanent, being for the service of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen an other years, unless otherwise stated, and which have been certified to Congiress under section two of the Act of July seventh eighteen V°l'”"‘25`*‘ hundre and eigthy-four, as fully set forth in Senate bocument Numbered Seven hundred and twenty-nine, reported to the Sixty- fourth Congress, second session, there is appropriated as follows: cmms ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR Fon ma TREASURY DEPARTMENT. For refundin taxes ille all collected, $29,187.65. A¤ciii2°;.i.u°w°dw¤¤..¤by For redemptgm of stamis, $226.44. D•P·¤°¤¤•¤*· Y For payment of judgments against intemal—revenue officers, $159,73340. For gy of crews, miscellaneous expenses, and so forth, Life- Saving rvice, $399.68. For operating supplies for public buildings, 95 cents. cmms ALLOWED BY Tun Aunrroiz Fon THE WAR DEPARTMENT. For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $2,888.23. ,3,*2*,1* ,““°,‘{,!§," $2 For extra-duty dpay to enlisted men as clerks, and so forth, at v¤r¤¤¤¤¢·“ Army division an department headquarters, $30. For contingencies, lilitary Information Section, General Staff Copps, nineteen hundred and sixteen, $512.35. or mcidental expenses, Quartermaster’s Department, $185.85. For transportation of the Army and its supphes, $866.92. For headstones for graves of soldiers, $1.56. 112480°—vor. 40—-rr 1--3