Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/539

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 52. 1918. 521 ment each student interpreter shall sign an agreement to continue Tm °*¤¤¤*>¤- in the service as interpreter to the legatiou and consulate in China so long as his services may be require within a period of five years; For the payment of the cost of tuition of stu ent interpreters at T¤i*i¤¤· the legation to China, at the rate of $180 per annum each, $1,800; For six student inter reters at the em assy to Japan, who shall I“J"*’““· be citizens of the United) States, and whose duty it shall be to study the Japanese language with a view to supplyingl interpreters to the _ embassy and consulates in Japan, at $1,000 eac , $6,000: Prormkled, §{,°,§'§§·;;,m mw That the method of selectinlg said student interpreters shall be non- ti<>¤- partisan: And fart er, That upon receiving such appoint- Term ofservicement each stu ent interpreter shall sign an agreement to continue in the service as interpreter to the embassyan consulates in Japan so long as his services may be uired wi in a period of five years; _ _ For the payment of the costledlf tuition of stu ent interpreters at ""““°°· the embassy to Japan, at the rate of $125 per annum each, $750; mmk For ten student inte reters at the embassy to Turkey, who shall °y‘ be citizens of the Unitdil States, and whose duty it shall be to study the language of Turke and any other language that may be necessary to qualify them {br service as interpreters to the embassy and P . consulates in Turkey, at $1,000 each, $10,000: Prmnlded, That the mmpmham misemethod of selecting said student interpreters shall be nonpartisan: "‘°‘* And provided further, That upon receiving such appointment each T I . student interpreter shall sign an agreement to continue in the service °m° °°m°°’ as interpreter to the embassy and consulates in Turkey so long as his services may be required within a period of five years; _ For the payment of the cost of tuition of student interpreters at T“‘“°"‘· the embassy to Turkey, at the rate of $125 per annum eac , $1,250; Rem ti M_ No person the salary of interpreter or studenteinterpreter .-ra. ° °° °” as above provided s all be allowed an part of the salary appropriated for any secretary of legation or- other officer; Total, $32,300. - qvarrrnns Fon mm srrmnmrrr INTERPRETERS ar mmassms. mg§p°r*$j§sf°’$m°°* For rent of quarters for the student interpreters attached to the mJ°p““‘ embassy to Japan, $600; For rent of qlparters for the student interpreters attached to the l”T""“°" embass to Tur ey, $600; Totaf $1,200. ° coN·rrNemN·r Exrnnsms, FOREIGN MISSIONS. To enable the President to provide, at the public expense, all such ,,,§‘{”,,§'{{€,,§,P,E,§,,“?°“’“· stations , blanks, records, and other books, seals, resses, il , and signs asrllie shall think necessary for the several embassies ag? legatrons in the transaction of their business, and also for rent, repairs, postage, telegrams, furniture, typewriters, includingpxchange of same, messenger service, compensation of kavasses, guar , dragomans, and porters, including compensation of interpreters, and the compensation of dispatch agents at London, New York, San Francisco, and New I"‘P°°°" “$°“'*’· Orleans, and or traveling and miscellaneous expenses of embassies and Iegations, and for pnnting in the Department of State, and for mf§§'{,§*§,g,,§,{ D°P°"' IOSS on bills of exchange to and from embassies and I ations, and 1·<>¤¤br ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· payment in advance of subscriptions for news apers agoreign and omestic) under this appropriation is hereby augiorized, $1,005,585. 'maxsrorrrarron or DIPLOMATIC Am; CONSULAB. orrrcnns IN come ro AND nrrrunnmo mom mmm rosrs. To pay the actual and necessary e 011868 of transportation undo? T'°"u"“°“°°°°°°° such regulations as the Secretary ofx-State may prescribé, of diplo-