Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/540

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522 SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Srzss. II. Ch. 52. 1918. matic and consular officers and_ clerks in embassies, legations, and consulates in going to an returning from their posts, or when traveling under orders 0 the Secretary o State, at the rate of not_exceed1ng ten cents per mile, but not including any expense mcurred in connection with eaves of absence, $125,000. STEAM LAUNCH Fon EMBASSY AT CONSTANTINOPLE. hgresm l¤¤¤¤¤. '1‘¤r- Hiring of steam launch for use of embassy at Constantinople, $1,800. _ en,0UND RENT or EMBASSY AT TOKYO, JAPAN. Gf°¤¤<* ¤’°¤*» ’**P°“· Annual ground rent of the embassy at To?o, Japan, for the year ending March fifteenth, nineteen hundred an nineteen, $250. ANNUAL nx.PnNs1¤:s or CAPE SPABTEL mom, coAsr or Monocco. Gum Sp¤r¢¤1ris¤t· Annual tproportion of the expenses of Cape Spartel and Tangier Light on e coast of Morocco, including loss by exchange, $250. _ nnmomo Hoim GRIIIINALS. h}§§¤¤¤8¤°m°“*m· Actual expenses incurred in bringing home from foreign countries ` peisons charged with crime, $5,000. imscumo SH]1’W'§.ECKED AMERICAN SEAMEN. Lie! ¤¤v*¤8 mu- Expenses which ma be incurred in the acknowledgment of the ` _ services of masters am? crews of foreign vessels in rescnnng American seamen or citizens from shipwreck, $4,500Z EMERGENCIES Amsmo IN Tun Dr1>L0MA·rxc AND CONSULAR snavicm. E¤1¤¤%¤¤¢i¤¤· To enable the President to meet unforeseen emergencies arising in the Diplomatic and Consular Service and to extend, the commercial P°§;g*‘¤***Y A°* °¤· and other interests of the United States and to meet the necessary ' expenses attendant upon the execution of the neutrality Act, to be gis., sec. 251% Y. 49. expended pursuant t0_the requirements of section two undred and v?,{}'§§?Q,‘Y¥.§$_ °‘ ninety-one of the Revised Statutes, $700,000, together with the un- ° expended balance of the apipropriation made for this oblect for the fiscal year nineteen hundre and eighteen, which is here y reappropriated and made available for this puiipose: {,’;°r§;'g;, www in Provided, That in his discretion the resident may emplog part of wjyngnmgb this fund for payment for personal services in the District of o umbia °" ’°` " ‘ or elsewhere, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law. ALLOWANCE TO wmows on mums or D11>LomAr10 ormcmzs wno Dm ABROAD. d;}l}°l§¤€“,,?§,{?'°“°°” Payment imder the provisions of section seventeen hundred and 'R·§..S¤¤·,1749,p-311- forty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States to the widows or heirs at law of diplomatic or consular officeis of the United States dying in foreign countries in the discharge of their duties, $5,000. ·mANs1>om·1Ne REMAINS or DIYLOMATIC omnonns, coxsuns, AND CONSULAR ASSISTANTS TO umm nouns Fon INTERMEN'1`. Brgsieg h¤}¤<+ re- For defrayinv the expenses of transporting the remaixr of di lomm M mml matic and consciilar officers of the United States, includinjg consiilar assistants, who have died or may die abroad or in transit, while in