Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/646

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628 SIXTY·FIFTH oouortnss. sms. II. os. ros. 1918. mD°P•"·'¤°¤*°"”"‘ For department of drawing: Drawing material instruments, and ° statione for use of instructors; repairs to models and purchase of new moldyels; desks stretchers, ilfawirsg boards, racks and stands; framing drawing; books and periodic on art, architecture, topog- 1‘¤Phy, md tw ¤1<>gy; bmding maps, books, etc.·_reparrs to sms. opticon and purchase of lantem sh es; photographic apparatus and material; purchase of new; instruments and repair of 0 d ones, for use of cadets; and for contmgent expenses $1,800: ,,,§°,,¥.§_‘§'g* °‘“‘°°‘ For department of modern languages: 1l`or stationery, textbooks, ' books of reference, periodicals, for repairs to books and apparatus, and for office furniture and equipmerété for printing exaémrlratron d other necessary apers, an or conf encies 1 00. D°’°"”°°°° °""° pagixlrsidzléartrilrent of gow: liliir stapionery, t$r1tiblon<§:s_, apdtlliooks of ef t instructors urmture repau·s 0 e same iiorcrrgliiiilditrilg bgoulgseagrd periodicals, and for contingencies, $850. ,

 For department of practical military engineering: For models,
      • 8- books of reference, scientific periodicals, and stationery; for p1u·chase

and repair of instruments, materials, and apparatus for usie rfpclrgsttréluct- ` d ts in surv reconnaissance, s' ahn` g an egrllighml iirilitary iielirl-lliiigineering, and fieldléiortifichtion; for photogra liic and lithographic apparatus and materials for field p otograpli and map retpgoduction; tools and materials for maintenance of the batteries of e academy; transportation of field parties; for extra-duty pay of engineer soldiers a 50 cents per day each when employed as assistants in photogra hic laboratory or as special skilled mechanics in the department, and lfor contingent expenses not otherm?_Pffd’¤¤** °' °¤*· Foi·)lilllavlsi.iri•t(i1;a(iit dflgilcriance and gunnery: For purchase, manufacgumsl ture,,rep1;ir of iristrxgments, mgdels, machinery, aixd glppargus; f hase 0 sam es 0 arms an accouterments other an t ose silrlpiilliliii to the service; for books of reference, textbooks, stationery, office furniture and supplies; for services of skilled mecpanic (crviliang pgzprgplypirgépll dggagmmt of ordnance and science 0 e an , . lglor ulilrzhase of machines, tools, arid material for practical instruction ofp cadets in wood and metal working, $500. wD°§°"‘§;§,‘f‘ °' mi"' For de artment of military hygiene: For stationery, textbooks, and y rsi P . . books of reference for use of mstructors; for the preparation of plates, purchase of paper, and other expenses incidental to the printing of syllabuses of B(Ei»ll1'BE on parilts of tthelsubjectlpot covegd bydthe regular textbooks; or the purc ase 0 c arts, p otograp , an pictures f e demonstration; for the purchase of instruments and models · fg; sllsielkiles and cases for books, insgruments, anddmipcgels gud records; and for contingent e enses not otherwise rovi e or 500.

Q3°,E,°¥{t¤T3ZEE,Y‘ me For department ofgnglish and history
Igor purchaseiof stationery,

textbooks, books of reference, office furniture, maps, mpg fixtures, and for repairs to same; for rebinding books and periodic ; and for contingent expenses not otherwise provided for, $1,200. Mem- For a course of lectures for the more complete instruction of cadets, $1,200. ‘“"°"‘°"“°· For the purchase and maintenance of one automobile of the Ford t e $600. yillital, current and ordinary expenses, $220,605. im‘§,S§j§§’,‘;‘;°,§‘°{,Ses?°“ mscmmarmous rrmrs Asn INCIDENTAL nxrnxsns. '1‘r¤¤¤r¤r’¤¤¤1¤¤· For commercialperiodicals,_stationery, office furniture and suppllies, and for %nd1n(gé>rdersi'i:iiricula.r·‘s.{ arid so forth, for the office of _ _ the treasurer, United States tary ca emy, $210. ,,§j‘%*‘““¥» P’“""’“‘g· For gas coal, oil, candles, lanterns, matches, chimneys, wicking, and electric lamps and supphes, and for operating the gas plant, $13,500.