Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/418

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1752 PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. saries; to prevent, locally or generally, scarcity, monopolization, hoarding, injurious speculation, manipulations, and private controls, affecting such supply, distribution, and movement; and to establish and maintain overnmental control of such necessaries during] the war. For such p oses the instrumentalities, means, met ods, powers, authoritiestudhties, obligations, and prohibitions heremafter set forth are created, established, conferred, and prescribed. The President is authorized to make such regulations and to issue such Xders as are essential effectively to carry out the provisions of this ct." AND, WHEREAS, it is further provided in said Act as follows: —*””»¤-Z"- "That, from time to time, whenever the President shall find it essential to license the importation, manufacture, stora e, mining, or distribution of any necessaries, in order to carry into egect any of the oses of this Act, and shall publicly so announce, no person shalljualipter a date Bxed in the announcement, engage in or carry on any such business specified in the announcement of importation, manufacture, storage, mining, or distribution of any necessaries as set forth in such announcement, unless he shall secure and hold a license issued pursuant to this section. The President is authorized to issue such hcenses and to prescribe regulations for the issuance of licenses and requirements for systems of accounts and auditing of accounts to be kept b licensees, submission of reports by them, with or without oath or agrmation, and the entry; and inspection by the Erialsidenfs duly authorized agents of the places of business o `censees." AND, WHEREAS, it is essential in order to carry into effect the purposes of said Act, and in order to secure an adequate supply and equitable distribution, and to facilitate the movement, officertain necessaries hereafter in this ppoclamation specified, that the license powers conferred upon the esident by said Act be at this time _ exercised to the extent hereinafter set forth. ,,,A‘§‘{,s°*,}§,'§‘§",{}“§‘§§{,,€ NOW, THEREFORE, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the g*:§}u‘*g‘j·i}{•{)•a¤w¤;S:jj United States of America, by virtue of the powers conferred on me by mma said Act of Congress, hereby find and determine and by this roclamation do announce, that it is essential, in order to carry into egect the purposes of said Act, to license the importation, manufacture, storage and distribution of the following necessaries: fertilizers and fertilizer ingredients, includin sulphuric acid, phos hate rock, acid phosphate, ones (raw, groungl or steamed), bone bllack, basic slag, sodium nitrate, ammonia sulphate, cottonseed meal, slaughter house tankage, garbage tankage, castor mace, fish scrap, base goods, cyanamid calcium nitrate, dried blood, acidulated leather, hair, hoof meal, horn dust, ground leather, other unacidulated ammoniates, potash salts, cement dust, blast furnace dust, kelp ash, kelp char, dried kelp, wood ashes, cottonseed hull ashes, potassium nitrate, tobacco waste, mixed fertilizers, sulphur, and all other fer- Pmms W: MEM tilizers and fertilizer ingredients. · ' ' All individuals, partnerships, associations, and corporations engaged m the busmess of importing, manufacturing, storing or distributing fertilizers or fertilizer ingredients (except those specifically exempted by said Act of Congress, and except to the extent "”"·*’· m°· to which hcenses have been issued under the Proclamation of the President of January 3, 1918, relating to ammonia, ammoniacal liquors and ammonium sulphate) are hereb required to secure licenses on or before March 20, 1918, which will be issued under such rules a,r];d(;·egulations governing the conduct of the business as may be prescribe . S,,§§’§§§ ‘l$‘°g§§§,{ff The Secretary of Agriculture shall carry into effect the revisions

  • ¤”· of said Act, and shall supervise and direct the exercise of the powers