Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/711

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690 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 214. 1920. Department of the District of Columbia who receive the compensation fixed by the Act approved January 24, 1020; employees paid from lump-sum appropriations in bureaus, divisions, commissions, .,.00,, C0000,0s,00_ or any other governmental agencies or employments created by law W0, Risk ,00000000 gnce January}1, 12;%, lexcepf ilelrrtployges o thehUnited States 'lgargff B¤r¤¤¤- ommission w o s emcu e an except t at em oyeeso the Bureau of War Risk Insurance shall receivepincreased ldompensation at one-half the rate allowed by this section for other employees: ,f,§‘§{fo’000 ,0, 000 Provided, That employees of said bureau who are compensated at plcye-s. rallies bellpw $400fper annum shall? rleceive aadditionalf compensation o y as therate o 60 er centum o the annu rates o compensation Omar exceptions. received by such empibyees. The provisions of this section shall not apply to employees whose duties require only a lportion of their time, except charwomen, who shall be included; employees whose services ali; utiiized for brief periods at idriteiévgls; person? employidhlgf op t oug corporations, , or m V1 u s acting or or on e 0 or as agglilts of the United States or any department or independent estabhs ent of the Government of the United States in connection with construction work or the operation of plants; employees who receive a part of their pay from any outside sources under cooperative arrangements with the Government of the United States or the District o Columbia; employees who serve voluntarily or receive only a nominal compensation, and employees who may be provided Railroad cm e yfvgzh special allovpratnlgzies becgiuse lofllpheiié servpce tin foreign counpriis. ,0 » ·· §" e provisions o s sec on s no a p o em oyees o e Sigiiziis réorgtegemeuii railroads, express companies, telegraph, telephone, mgrine cable, or y°°°' radio system or systems taken over by the United States, and nothing contained herein shall be deemed a recognition of the employees of such railroads, express companies, telegraph, telephone, marine eagle, or raadicp syiptepp gr;] systemic as employeesdofy the Igllllgéd States. D0¤b1¤D¤Y1>Y9hibi- ect10I1 0 the e ative, xecutive, an udici ppropria-

°f§§m}‘°° °°"°‘”‘b'° tion Act approved May 10, 1916, as amended by the Naval Appro-

‘°‘· 3°· P- 532- pr1ationfAct approved 12116, shall not operate godprevpilit anyone rom 1'GCB1V1I1g e a tion compensation provide in t `s section who otherwise is entitled to receive the same. P‘°”"°’¥°mP‘°Y°°¤ Such employees as are en aged on piecework by the hour or at er Com utation to de . . . 2 x armriepsy. diem rates, if otherwise engtled to receive the additional compenlsiation, shall receive the same at the rate to which they are entitled in this section when their Bxed rate of paly for the regular working _ ho_urs and on the basis of three hundre and thirteen dayiplin the @$3; 00, 0,0,0 said fiscal year would amoimt to $2,500 or less: Provided, at this empiey-as excepted. method of computation shall not apply to any per diem employees _ _ _ regularly Eaid a per diem for every day in the year. 00;\{;g§°0§Q[;,°{g";_§?,{,;Q{ o_ maytibe pecessafy to pe}y]t1h¢2_;,)dditional ccpmlpeippatiigi cmmoyees. rovi e m ssec on o em oyeeso the vemment 0 the nit §E;§e;I;;rg{gpi1§;1é1ated out ofp any money in the Treasury not other- ·’*P¤”>¤"¤*'?’* *2* So much as may be necessary to pay the increased com ensation·t of Lolumhu , , , _ ezim»F·—;; Umm provided in this section to employees of the government oi) the Dis- ‘ ’m tri t of Columbia is a ro ted h lf t f h m;;:;;»S,'837. c _ pp pria _ , one- a ou o any money in the · P Treasmy not otherwise aippropriated and one-half out of the revenues of the District of Colum ia, except to employees of the Washington 0m"g,}[jj,,0*}Qg;0"$;Qg§ ixquedggct and the priilter dezpargment, which shall be paid entirely numhereor. rom e revenues 0 e wa er e artment, and to employees of the gnimum wage board and the plaIygroimds_departmenIti, xiihich shall e paid wholly out of the revenues of the District of Columbia. 0,§`y{0_‘§0§0,§;’,'g§,§,,§0’gj So_ much as_may be necessary to pay the increased compensation provided in this section to persons employed under trust funds who may be construed to be employees of the Government of the United States or of the District of Columbia is authorized to be paid, respectively, from such trust funds.